xMagic as NFC tag?

I’ve been doing some experimenting with the proxmark and some generic gen2 magic mifare cards and the proxmark will happily format a mifare card using hf mf ndefformat to comply with the NFC standard so you can encode NFC data on it too. It seems to work well from what I’ve tested on it and it can be reversed.
All the product listings for magic mifare implantables say they cannot be used to trigger NFC events on smartphones. Is there a technical reason for this or can ndefformat be used on them too? That way the uid can be preserved in the mifare classic format for any access control applications but you also have an NFC tag, the best of both worlds

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Mifare Classic isn’t NFC compliant, which means it won’t work 100% with all phones, notably iPhones.

This thread:

Has some great links on the subject

So it often isn’t the best choice for that application.

As far as this goes:

Often times Mifare Classic access control systems use a credential written to the data blocks, not the UID itself. In theory they have the ability to hold both an NDEF application and an access control application, but I couldn’t personally get it to work last time I played with it, and it would be subject to the same reliability issues with some devices

If you have a system which is only using the UID for access control, then you could also probably enroll one of the other NFC compliant implants with the system and still write NDEF records to it


I see, thank you very much for the information!


I’d just like to jump in to point out that I have successfully used my xMagic to trigger various bits of automation on an iPhone through Apple Shortcuts.