xNT Help URL Down

I just got my xNT kit in the mail, and noticed that the info url on the bag is http://dngr.be/xNT. Is there an issue with the website or is the url a typo from http://dngr.us/xNT? @amal

No idea on this sorry!

yeah there was a mixup in printing… a ton of kits got put together with the wrong url on the card in the pouch… but it wasn’t worth tearing them all apart to fix the card since the person most likely bought from dangerousthings.com anyway… maybe a bad move to send them out with the typo, but such are the kinda of decisions a small business owner must make while grinding away in his garage late at night :slight_smile:


So, any valid URL atm? I see you did a redirect to https://store.dangerousthings.com/xkit, but there is also “404 Not Found”.

oops! the redirection is fixed now… should now go to dangerousthings.com/xkit

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