I am a newbie here and I have a couple of questions
- So I’m a student in Prague. We use an ISIC card to get access to university and to libraries. These access cards uses RFID technology. Will a xNT NFC OK for that? (+ I’m planning a NFC door lock, that’s why not xNT RFID)
- Can I use one implant with ISIC and door lock at the same time?
- My dad is planning to buy the same implant, but he is in Russia now. Is there some problems with shipment from USA?
Can you read your ISIC card with an NFC enabled phone and the TagInfo or NFC Tools app?
Yes, I can read it with the app
Hi Moskalenko,
We have had success in sending our products to the Federation of Russia as long as we use a premium method of shipping with a carrier such as USPS (United States Postal Service), FED EX, or UPS. I’ve listed these carriers in order of cost. Our experience is that USPS priority is the most economical of these at $58.00. First class mail is the least reliable service from our experience and no longer offer this option for shipping to Russia.
We do still experience issues with customs delays which have lasted as long as 6 weeks. Although this occurs, the instance of this is becoming less common.
Hope this helps!
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What kind of card (“IC Type” or “tech”) does the app say it is?
The xNT is not cloneable so at the very least (i.e. they only use the UID from the tag for access), do you have a way to enroll the tag in the school’s system? I’m guessing they will only enroll legit ISIC cards.
It says: Tag type- ISO 14443-4 NXP MIFARE DESFire / EV1. IsoDep, NfcA, NdefFormatable
But it doesn’t make no sense anymore. ISIC system doesn’t allow to have 2 cards. There is no way to add DT xNT chip. Also there was 2 guys, who tried the same thing a couple of years ago. They didn’t get some results
BibleThump BibleThump
So thank you. Waiting for opportunity to use your chip in a better way