Yale Doorman V2N cracking by iceman

Aaaand… it’s going back to the store tomorrow. Why? Because the app is terrible: only an older version runs on my older Android phone. But it requires the internet. Why does it require the internet - as opposed to using the internet when it’s there but you can do without when it ain’t? God only knows… And what happens when I enable the wifi? It halts, tells me a new version is available, then locks up (since the new version isn’t compatible).

In short:

1/ if you don’t buy a newer telephone, you’re left with a brick. If I had a working product before, that suddenly stopped working when the manufacturer released their newer update and forced it down my throat without checking whether it’d work, I’d be livid - not to mention, locked out of my home. Right now I’m only pissed off because I bought a useless product that didn’t work from the get-go. Still, I’m REALLY pissed off because I rode my bike 20 miles to the store and parted with EUR 250 of my hard-earned cash to get that turd.

2/ If your internet goes down, you can’t open your fucking door and you’re locked out. Seriously? How dumb is that?

God I hate the internet of things :frowning:

Incidentally @amal: this is exactly why I wanted to know if I could make use of Vivokey products without software from Vivokey the other day. See here, I have an EUR 250 product that’s completely useless because I’m held hostage by the the manufacturer’s stupidity, and there ain’t nothing I can do about it because the crappy app is closed-source. See why I insist on open-source?