125KHz Repeater Project - Test units shipped

I have one particularly crapy reader but shipping to where I live is a pain, so it’s probably better that mention the model as a potential guinea pig for those who are getting their hands on the repeater prototypes.

That’s the worst LF reader I have. And it’s probably cheaper and easier to get one than the effort required to get a repeater to my corner of the world.


In preparation for the testing
I gathered together a few that I have handy and not built into projects, I have a few others that I’ll dig out too.

Also a few reader / writers

Plus I have a few USB readers also


Very Impressive. I just hope the hype is worth the wait.


Keen to find out how these are testing, is it looking promising? :pray:

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I am getting mine hand delivered from my personal courier, I should have it in the next couple of days.

Once I have it, I’ll get the testing done ASAFP


From my (relatively few currently) tests, yes. Especially on infrastructure readers. It also seemed to help me to write to my NExT, as i didn’t need to position as well.



Guess what I just got!?





Sooner than expected!

Excitedly away your results


Little bonus

Wherever I end up putting the repeater, I will have a perfect sized sticker to hide it


I do a ton of 125 stuff. Can I test. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MY6BAw0i0Vs
This is a link to some of the range extenders we have done.
I would really like to play with this. Please vet me through @Iceman

Great design from what I see.

Also happy to buy them.

Oh man, I have so many applications for this. Let me know if I can test them!

I have no idea how I completely missed this thread, but I too am interested in trying these out

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@Woody @Bobrol @ewpratten hey all, sorry i didnt update this thread sooner.

So this version is not functional to my expectations. However working with @Satur9 i may have a functional design planned out i just need to send it out for fabrication. i will keep you all posted.


Good luck <3

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Thank you!!

All of the readers at work take all of my implants just fine… But hopefully over the next few years the LF repeaters will evolve into antennas as well. Got a few projects in mind…

Would love to be among the testers with some of the low-power readers at my facility.
Good luck, friend!