Evening all I just thought I’d post for the first time instead of lurking in the shadows.
I Self installed my first implant (xsiid blue blinkie)a few weeks ago and so far it’s healing nicely,hardly any scaring ,no pain and works a treat.
Going on holiday tomorrow and have just thought about going through the airport which has peaked my curiosity,I’m wondering if anybody has ever had any problems, incidences or fun stories whilst traveling with an implant installed?
Sorry if this is a repeated post(there’s a lot to get through).
Also as soon as I figure out how to add pics I’ll update the thread with pics if anything exciting happens regarding my airport experience and the xsiid
Congrats on the install!
I’ve gone through metal detectors and body scanners at airports with no issues. The only way they’ll know you have it, is if you tell them you have it.
I always make sure to point out in these threads…. Everyone’s worried about IF they can find them (they really won’t)
They never stop to consider what happens next
People fly with nipple and genital piercings all the time
The worst they can do is ask what is it
You tell them and then they pound sand
It is, but no worries, there certainly is a lot to get through
To piggy-back on everyone else, I’ve gone through a few TSA checkpoints in Florida and California. Both instances the NExT implant I have was not noticed. Even if it was, I doubt it would have been an issue. I also work in a correctional facility and walk through a metal detector multiple times a day, never an issue (and our metal detectors are super sensitive, for obvious reasons).
Now that I think about it, yesterday I was scanned with a metal detector wand, and that didn’t register either.
I have a buddy that’s a cop at a perfect size airport to get away with some workplace shenanigans
I wanted to see if I could have the TSA try their hardest to detect a chip… but apparently fun is literally against their policy etc
Buddy was down but TSA assumed I was trying to learn how to smuggle plutonium or something
He definitely tried the other day
And like a true friend, next time I talked to him I asked him how he screwed that up
I was recently annoyed by seeing some examples of accredited sources indicating that “peaked” and “piqued” are functionally identical in “contemporary English”.
He didn’t… looks like he screwed it in! HA. HA. HA.
oh and PS, I’ve flown with bags full of injector syringes both in carry-on and checked baggage… nobody has even asked. They assume medical and let it pass. Same goes for implants… when they ask you “do you have any implants” you just say “yeah, in my hand” and that’s it… they assume medical like titanium pins or whatever… they never get into details.
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Thanks for all the information, it’s put my mind at ease and I also learned something new .
@amal that’s a very good point about them assuming it may be a medical implant like a pin etc I didn’t even think about it like that, thanks.
I fly with 26 rfids and 3 magnets implanted - nothing happend.
Just for fun the try to locate the magnet and the rfids with the handscanner - nothing.
I was also in the full body scanner.
Only one time, i was flying with the syringe - they asked me and they found it very cool
I have a Spark2 and a NExT and have never had a problem. But now you have me thinking about the titan… its a magnet and metal detectors detect magnetic metals… sooooo @ODaily @amal @invalid_signal any input on that?
Oh wow that’s a lot of implants,I’m sure I’ll be fine with my one,I’ve only just realised that I’ve never had problems with my dermals so not sure why I was on edge about my xsiid
I’ve got six in my hands. xG3, Mifare 1k, high freq indicator, low freq indicator, Vivokey, and NeXT.
I’ve gone through security with not a single issue ever. It honestly doesn’t come up even if they have to wand me. For airport security it’s an absolutely negligeable amount of material far smaller than the minimum for it to be flagged by the machines as something to check.
@Steven1727 i never had problems with my magnets at the airport.
I saw also my picture on tje fullbody scanner - no magnets or chips.
@JennyMcLane very interesting! I can totally understand the body scanner not seeing the chips or the magnets, but the metal detector not reading the magnets… ! Super cool, but me being me… I wonder how that works
It’s a threshold thing for mass and surface area I’m pretty sure. Same as why it doesn’t go off on piercings.
Well piercings are non magnetic, typically titanium or 300 series SS, same as plates and screws used in the body. I have 2 plates titanium with 10 screws in my ankle, and a pair of titanium Oakleys and they wont set it off either. Maybe its because its incapsulated in titanium?