Any experience with cosmetic surgeon installs

Looks fun :wink:
They lift the skin with an artery clamp? Never seen that before… But what tools did they use to separate the skin? And why on earth didn’t it bleed like hell? :rofl:

Humongous amounts of lido-epi.

He also aimed for a dry pocket.

Pretty sure it was just that tool. There’s not a huge amount of muscle in your hands.

Got the flexNExT in my hand, and though it was not such a tough job to separate the skin, I’m happy that the usual dermal elevators were used^^ Doing that with a blunt tool… ugh.

Okay, so that’s this anesthetic which reduces blood circulation as well - didn’t think it would work that well! :wink:

That’s really clean work, amazed the blood was controlled that well!

Was the lido-epi injected or topical? I ordered some of the lido-epi gel, would be good to avoid some bleeding and aim for painless too!

I couldn’t see the end of it, but it looks like a hemostat. (Same thing I assume) I personally have never seen that size used to stop bleeding, but I have seen them used to dilate openings like this.

Have seen them use it to make a tunnel through someone’s shoulder before, it has the point you can push forward, as it isn’t sharp, and open it to separate tissue without the risk of a cut.

Lido-epi gel isn’t sold. Lido-epi is injected, and not something to fuck with.

It’d want to be for what I paid. But the scar is near invisible at this point, not even 3 weeks in. Small tinges of redness still but he’s put it in a wrinkle hotspot so it’s invisible.

The pharmacy did a batch of it for me, I’ve got 10ml of it on hand as we speak


You should test it beforehand. Epi is very visible, it goes all white.

What pharmacy?

Came from Brisbane Compounding. I didn’t even know it was an option, but they asked me over the phone if i wanted it added and explained how it might be useful

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Huh. There you go. Shaz is pretty good. He definitely knows his stuff. Let us know how it goes.

Will do, it’ll be a few weeks till i can get mine installed, but ill do a quick test with it soon

so wait… he made you up a topical that contained lidocaine and epinephrine? Do you know the concentrations?

It’s the 10% mix of lido and tetracaine, not sure of the epi concentration but it wouldn’t be too high

EDIT: Double checked the label - 6% Lido, 4% Tetra, 0.1% Epi. More details in PM


I’m adding “MBA lorem ipsum” and “readable lorem” to my vocabulary.

I can tell that you’re well versed in the art of quality management and the implementation of the ISO9001. I’m still enraged over the fact that I had to write hundreds of pages of that nonsense to keep a worthless bureaucrat happy… Biggest waste of time of my life… At least now I tend to distrust the companies that include those certifications prominently in their advisement.

That sort of thing drives me up the walls. Let me know if you manage to find a good therapist who specializes in healing the damage caused by years of that nonsense.

Ok, I’ll acknowledge that derailing threads is a cyborg specialty…


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Wait, he charged you a cool grand? I am seriously under charging… :joy:

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