Awid clone help please

hi there’s everyone
so i purchased xmagic and a NeXt chip implant but before i take the plung i want to make shure i can clont my awid badge.
i have given a valiant effort to figure this out without someone holding my hand even going as far as purchasing a laptop… last computer had windows 7…
but its time to swallow my pride and ask for help
what --fmt --fc --cn numbers will i need to put in to clone to a t5577 blank.

thank you for sharing your time and experience
p.s. did i mention you rock? because you do!!

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33 length? weird. do this on your awid card;

  1. lf search

  2. lf t5 detect

post screenshots

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Great choices

In theory you can, but just to confirm you are not going to try to write to your implants just yet?


Not at all, thats what the forum is here for.

Do you have a practice T5577 card to write to?
you should have one that came with the PM3.


i have the practice cards that came with the kit say id 5577
here are more screen shots


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Yeah ok so it’s a T5577 card programmed with awid data. The best way to clone these to another T5577 chip is to use the lf t5 dump and lf t5 restore commands. It will make a perfect copy.


it looks like it worked :grin:
i checked it against bolth cards and it came back the same
i didn’t see that dump/restore option in the help lists i read
i will try the cloned card when im back at the reader to make sure
i can’t thank you guys enough for the help seriously



UPDATE. it totally works with the reader and im one step closer to implanting.
BAD NEWS im now having some technical difficulties with proxmark3 or proxspace im not shure really
do i start a new thread?
I’ve never used a forum like this before and want to follow edict
thank you all

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Either way would probably work, but if you start it here it can always be split off into it’s own thread later

What’s the problem?

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the original solution to my awid problem was a lf t55xx dump/restore and it totally worked
now when i tried to use the same process it dumps almost blank information.
ive tried some logical troubleshooting
old dump.bin files will still write new cards
im still able to read basic cards information
new dump files just keep saying 80000000 in the data
original cable and well seated
I’ve started proxspace the same way i always have(i have a note file cheat sheet)
did lf tune to insure good connectivity at all attempts
unplugged/plugged pm3 and exited completely and resarted proxspace

thats the basic of the situation
thank you for your time and knowledge

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Can you try running an lf t5 detect and then retrying the dump?

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ok now i have data but why?
this is wizardry for shure

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As I understand it, the T5577 can be setup to respond to different types of signals, and that command lets the pm3 determine which ones to use for a given card


interesting so it needs more information than just its a t55xx before a dump.
i learned something today because of you
thanks again