I suppose this is only news to me and you’re all aware of this Beeb mini-documentary. But for those who haven’t watched it, I figured I’d leave this here.
The link posted by Joshnosh is actually a shortened version of the entire documentary, which can be found here, and is in fact much better:
What a balanced, well-presented piece, and what a refreshing bunch of people. Well worth a watch!
I have definitely come to expect balanced reporting from the BBC, one of my preferred documentary producers.
It was a good piece and fair representation
Thanks for the link Rosco
That’s true. The Beeb always produces great content.
I love documentaries, and there are plenty of them on Youtube. But many idiots have taken to labeling “BBC documentary” anything that isn’t from the BBC in order to attract views. So a typical search for a good documentary on Youtube goes something like this for me nowadays:
- Search “BBC science documentary”
- Click on interesting-looking documentary
- Annoying music, comparisons to football pitches and cars, almost zero science, pointless bits about the interviewees, all packaged into 5 minute segments with 2 minute repeats of the last segment? Oh, that’s a US, non-PBS show - prolly Discovery. Skip…
- Toned down music, actual scientific content from good science presenters in a single 40 minute sitting? Yep, that’s BBC. I’ll watch.
Twas a good documentary,
I have been really considering making my own, something longer with a look at what we really want instead of just some buzzwords that make the outside think we want a no rules free for all, they ask the piercer about regulations, but i feel like if they asked the cyborgs you would hear them agree on having rules in place, because we do want to keep our piercers out of legal trouble and if we had less grey area, we can make professionals feel a lot safer with it all.
I think having a doco made by someone actually in the community would really help represent us a lot more, show what we do outside the community and show our skills and not just be seen as “kinda weird dreamers”
id not actually seen that one. (I’m the one in the grey t-shirt screwing my face up)