Chip compatibility matrix - Google Sheets

Bad news y’all:

Using various tools including Hammy’s repeater stickers and field detectors, I was unable to get my xMagic to work. I have no Flex to test, though I suspect that a FlexM1 or similar would work. It does work with my knockoff Magic Ring and a standard Mifare 1k card I use for a lockbox I own.

It does not work with any NTAC 2xx modules I have immediate access to (including a fob-sized sticker), and as expected it does not work with any LF (in this case t5577) modules.

It comes with 4 Mifare 1k fobs (non-magic if you were curious).


You may have to write a default card to the xMagic for it to pick up on. Maybe clone the card it came with



do you have any gen1a cards you could try to enroll and/or copy an original onto and see if those work?

your ring is a gen2 right? or if gen4, not currently operating in gen1a mode.

i wonder if possibly its doing a magic wake-up to check for clones, website says nada about anticloning but ya never know

could be other factors too but for prosperity;

  • can you drop a hf mf info scan of both your xm1 and ring please.
  • can you send the block 0 of one of the fobs that came with it.

ntag2xx didn’t work because it’s likely requiring a 4byte UID and those have a 7byte UID.


(Fell asleep after reading this, guess I need more)

Yeah I registered one of the included fob/cards, confirmed it worked a few times, copied it to my implant, confirmed that with TagInfo, and couldn’t get it even with the help of an xFD, your field detector, and one of your stickers (paired with scotch tape to avoid wasting one).

It also throws a red light and a different beep if an unregistered mifare 1k gets put up to it, and it didn’t do that either.


Ooh, I do have some gen1a fobs I can use. I’ll try those when I get home.

Ring is gen4 with gen1 turned off, for clarity this was not cloned to a working fob for the door (because I didn’t have time to fight gen4 at that moment, got home late), but it was giving the “denied access” beep and light.

xMagic is back to its previous setup, as a backup key into my SO’s work (for legal reasons this is a joke), but ultimately the goal will be to enroll that fob, and by extension, my xMagic, to the lock. Could probably just do that if it picks up the fob.

Edit: And yeah, I didn’t expect NTAG to work at all, just testing different things to add more to the sheet. Same with the T55 card.

Edit again for more info:
During setup, you are supposed to reset the device, then add cards back in using the “Tuya Smart” app (which went on my sacrificial pixel4a because god no). One of the original cards is enrolled, and I also enrolled one of the cards for the previously mentioned lockbox.


and it is impossible to enroll your implant through the app?

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In the app you press a button to enroll a card, the lock lights up, you place your card on the lock, and it enrolls that way.

I can’t get the reader to couple to the implant, meaning no, I can’t enroll the implant directly.

I’ll make an exact copy of my xMagic with a gen1a fob and try to enroll that, and if it works, that should pretty much confirm that coupling is the issue. I’ll try to mess with a repeater sticker a bit more, but I suspect I may be SOL when it comes to a glassie.

It also probably doesn’t help that the reader is surrounded by metal in such a way that the repeater sticker can’t-not be right over the metal.

Again, this will all have to wait until I’m home.

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  • Copied my xMagic to a “gen1a” fob I had lying around ( hf mf info below, first is fob, 2nd xMagic)
  • Enrolled the fob to the lock
  • Confirmed fob worked
  • Innapropriately touched the door handle with my xMagic, no success
    Yeah pretty confident its a coupling issue.

can you contextualise what the hf mf infos come from

Just to confirm, you’re asking what devices they came from?
I’m sorry, I thought I had done that well enough.

The first one is from a random gen1a fob I had. I set this to the config I use on my xMagic. The second one is the info of the mf side of my xMagic.

The screenshot was taken after I copied my xMagic to the fob.

on your xmagic change the block 0 SAK to 08 and try it again

SAK Swapping Gist


I changed the SAK to 08 and rubbed my grubby mitt against the door handle again.

No luck


Do you have access to an oscilloscope or a nano vna? I’m wondering if this thing is just really out of tune.

You said you tried with some repeaters and located the right spot with the field detector?


I don’t have either, but a friend of mine might have an oscilloscope from the 90s if I can fix it haha.

I only have repeater stickers (and that extra field enhancer midboard from our previous conversation but I don’t think this is the place for that), and I’ve used one in combination of both your field detector and an xFD (which does light up just barely) to try to figure out the best precise location for it. I’m able to slightly increase the range of the fobs in particular using this method, but no luck getting my xMagic to beep it.

And I’m confident I’m not placing the repeater way wrong, because I’ve used this method on my Pixel8 with great success.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

This is what the Sifely lock looks like. It is slightly different from the picture.

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