Boards came in. Results varied, but at least it provided some valuable data. The coil parameters are written on the board silkscreen. All of the copper weights were 1oz/ft^2.
Here are the results of my measurements with a quality LCR meter.
2.545μH coil: (L = 2.68μH)(R = 1.4Ω)(Q = 0.013)
2.834μH coil: (L = 2.11μH)(R = 1.2Ω)(Q = 0.012)
2.119μH coil: (L = 2.13μH)(R = 0.9Ω)(Q = 0.016)
1.025μH coil: (L = 0.79μH)(R = 0.05Ω)(Q = 0.06)
1.767μH coil: (L = 1.18μH)(R = 0.4Ω)(Q = 0.017)
I think most interesting was the 2.119μH coil, which was spot on. It was composed of 8 turns, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom, which all traveled clockwise. The board thickness was the standard 1.6mm FR-4.