Combi-Cam @eriequiet's experience

I didn’t do it

Oh wait, I’m not being accused

In all seriousness, I struggled finding actual product towards the end… it’s unclear if the company is still in business or producing product

Scratch that, I just found a listing on Amazon for 30$

Did some refreshing and it think it’s 125khz… I might grab one because of this post finally


did t you find out they dont sell to individuals, only resellers etc?

Maybe im wrong.

Anyway, I just posted a different link for @ODaily the other day , to whom the link was a reseller


You look like you already answerd your question.

oh well

It’s worth noting the listing I posted… sounds like rfid cards are supposed to be included but aren’t…

Shouldn’t be an issue for cyborgs but worth mentioning

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Watch that Amazon listing…reviews mentioned that these don’t include the RFID cards. Likely not a problem, but not sure if there are management cards needed for further enrollment.

supposedly they even made these in a 13.56mhz version too, although I can’t actually find one for sale: Kilitronik | miniK10 Mifare

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Hahaha :joy: :point_up_2:

Yea we were all looking at the same links :rofl:

I still might try the Amazon seller since they offer free returns.


I was thinking the same thing…

I’d addition it’s also possible IF admin card is required… not user generated,
If contact can be made with combi cam to get the uid from them and just spin up your own card

It’s a long delivery time I’m seeing btw… so I won’t be able to comment for a few weeks on it


Well, looky looky:

Looks like you can assign cards if none are present. I’m a little unclear if you can still do this for a used lock that has a missing master card, so beware.

And I saw that shipping delay…still might be worth it for $30.

I’m surprised unless I missed it that there is no way to perform a full factory reset

I ordered one yesterday :man_shrugging:t2:

Mine should be here today or tomorrow

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Scratch that… usps delays because of stupid people doing stupid things…


Somehow they stocked a few of these at the Amazon warehouse and I was able to grab one next day.

I haven’t been able to play with it much with work. Much smaller than I was expecting, and shame on me for not reading the instruction book closer…the shaft is 16mm (smaller than what I was going to use it for). Mine did come with an EM4100 card which I was able to program in. Just in light testing, it reads my Hornady band pretty easily which is also EM4100, and it reads a T5577 test card when I clone the same info to it. I don’t have my xEM installed to test that yet…


Cool. Worst case you can probably dump that card and I can duplicate it if needed for admin stuff

Assuming you get a completely blank factory lock, you can program any EM4100 card/fob in since it comes with a factory code to get into the settings. Let me know when you get yours and we can compare notes.

I got mine and started playing with it…
So far I’ve been unable to get it to respond to an implant in anyway… I could be programming it wrong though

What’s your experience been?

Also it mentions a backup power nodes by the LEDs… but I’m not seeing anything

I was under the impression from a user a while ago that this was useable with implants but now I’m beginning to second guess that

@turbo2ltr, can you give any insight why I can’t get this to recognize implants? I’ve presenting it to, xNT xEM NExT xSIID and xM1 and it doesn’t respond in any way

This is my review thread to this lock.

These are my test results

Not sure why you are not seeing the same results.
The xSeries needed rubbing on the face :twss:

Also, this testing was done before Hammys repeaters, so they SHOULD help.

Is it a fresh battery?

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Presumably a fresh battery… pulled the tab on it… but could be old stock I guess

I just remembered I have my Leatherman voltage bit… I’ll check voltage fwiw

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I think I changed my chinese factory one for a quality label one

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3v even

brand new/ quality Voltage should start are 3.1-3.2, it will have lost capacity too.

Swap that bitch out, and try again

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