COVID certificate and other large NDEFs

Just send an email to SPF Santé Publique with a short, clear description of what you want and who your email should reach, and you might find that it’ll actually get there and you might get an answer. All it costs is trying :slight_smile: This sort of thing works surprisingly often.

ok great will do , maybe i can include your presentation and video ?

You may want to wait until you get someone to answer you before sending a video and a PPT. You don’t want to overwhelm the public servants: anything longer than 3 sentences with a simple subject / verb / object structure and you start encroaching on their coffee break time :slight_smile: Not to mention, most email servers are configured to discard emails sent to public-facing addresses that have attachments.

But I’m happy to share the PPT with you for when you have an actual name to talk to. Just let me rework it a bit so my own name is out of it.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

I’ve read through this topic, since it is becoming viral in Europe.

So I have the 574 byte .hcert file, generated by my local C19 certificate app, how do I load this data into a NExT to that it will be recognized by my Android phone? Is it possible to do with NFC Tools Android app? Storing as plaintext seems to do nothing. Thank you all for your outstanding work of trolling the world <3

This post tells you what to put on the chip.

A single ndef with a plain text record containing the certificate directly copied from the qr code.

My sight is getting worse every year :] thank you!

It won’t do anything… yet. Or rather, depending on how you store it, it’ll do something you don’t want.

If you store it as plain text, when you scan it, Android should open a popup telling you it’s read something, and - depending on your cellphone - show the text. Or not.

The idea is that, at some point, national COVID certificate checker apps will include the NFC NDEF processing bit that will correctly recognize the certificate text string and decode it.

Right now, none do, but we’re working on it. Or rather, we’re waiting for sluggish EU public servants to leave the coffee room and gp back to their desk to do a tiny bit of work.

Honestly… They managed to approve ONE pull request since I opened mine on Nov 4… At that pace, it’ll be fixed in time for the next pandemic.

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I’ve bumped the merge request with a ping comment. The APK app linked above does read my cert from the NExT chip, but it displays it in red, only shows my name and nothing else, stating the reason is the vaccination has failed. But I love the direction we are moving towards.

The conspiracists heads will be blown by the news that: “Covid-19 verifier apps now read NFC chip implants” :smiley:

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Oh yeah you did :slight_smile: Well let’s see if that incentivizes them.


Speaking of NFC COVID certificate:

I wish DT had entered that space first. They could own the motherfucker right now. Instead, that company Epicenter gets press. Too bad…


Hopefully there is some overflow or knock on effect for DT

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Well anything that promotes implants is good for DT I guess…

But really, look at it this way: offering a “COVID certificate implant” is a 2-minute job: stick a URL on a xNT and voila, you’re offering an implantable NFC COVID certificate that you can milk for all it’s worth in the press, even if everybody in the field knows it’s kind of BS. It would’ve been good and cheap publicity for DT.

Unless of course Amal wants DT to stay in the shade (because of the “Dangerous” bit in the name, or because he wants to use DT as the supplier of more public-friendly fronting companies like Vivokeys or Walletmor) in which case I hope Epicenter is in fact an Amal-owned company :slight_smile:


Sounds like a job for digiwell


Aaw you’re mean… :slight_smile:

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Actually only half joking here, Patrick would do a good job here and surely get an article on some techy news sites.

How does that help DT get brainshare?

Amal needs more PR mojo. He’s got the goods, all he needs is the packaging. That COVID thing should’ve been an opportunity for DT.

Digiwells website directs people to the DT website.
No one can order an implant there without knowing it’s from Dangerous Things.

Everything that’s good for Digiwells implant biz is good for Amal.

But yeah Amal could also do that, gosh we should clone him already.

But maybe I don’t quite get your idea, it seems that the press work is the hard part here.

Well see I dunno about that. Cuz half of Digiwell’s “biohacking” offering is new-age nutrition bullshit, and I really, REALLY can’t get past their biomed section.

I don’t think Digiwell is good publicity for DT. Quite the opposite.

In this case, I was more thinking of doing a modicum of work and see if it’d go viral. If it did, great. If it didn’t, well no real effort would’ve been expended.

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Maybe it’s possible to link the both. On iOS you have the wallet app where you can (if I remember correctly) store the ID card.

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