Current state of Deadbolt locks?

Is it posible to give him an RFID keyfob of some sort so that he can use it as a key? With the advantage of easy mastering to future electronic locks that he may want to install in the future?

That’s how you keep a landlord happy.

He has his wants and needs as much as mine. A physical key and a deadbolt without an external knob. That’s pretty much the standard I need to aim for. The more I deviate from that the much more rapidly the deal goes sour on me.

Also, I think the SHS-3320 and SHS-3321 may be the exact same lock, only with or without the key. It also looks like the SHS-3320 (with key) may be obsolete and no longer on the market. Seems weird though that the nearly identical model is still available.

Presumably the SHS-3320 has been replaced by the SHP-DS510MK.
I think.

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I found an older post of yours.

Did you ever get to try it out with an implant? How’s the range, etc? Still going strong?

I don’t have an implant yet, but I use it with a dual frequency ring. I get at least an inch range with the ring. It is still working perfectly. I would imagine that you wouldn’t have much trouble with an implant but you might have to be a bit more careful than I am about placement.

I assume that the dual frequency ring should have a similar range to the flexNT. If anyone has both a flexNT and an xNT, can you comment on the range of the two implants?

Also, @Zwack, do you have an x field detector by any chance?

Yet… :wink:

I’m curious: how come?

Also, it’s interesting that you seem to be fully integrated in the DT mind control collective without any of the control devices. I wonder if you might in fact have been abducted by Amal and implanted while unconscious or something.


He’s a synth, not a cyborg! :crazy_face:

Joking aside, when will Amal start offering a full body synth conversion?

What makes you think that he doesn’t?

Serious answer, a combination of lack of use case, and having to travel out of state to have it done.

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Just ordered one, when it arrives I assume you would like to see how well it illuminates…

Interesting… So none of the stuff we do with ours appeals to you at all?

Serious rebuttal;

You already have a use case. This would be your deadbolt.
Can’t help ya on the travel.

I’m going to have to strike the Samsung SHP-DS510 from the list. It appears to have a short life due to jamming problems.

Also striking out the Samsung SHS-3320, as it seems to be out of production. And the SHS-3321 as it has no physical key, plus it needs to be firmware modified.

That leaves the Townsteel E-smart 5000 as the only remaining, and therefore best choice.

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No, some of it appeals, but I don’t need an implant for most of it. The Apex does provide a use case (although I am waiting for the max) as I do use various 2fa mechanisms and the inclusion of my electronic identity being part of me does make a lot of sense.

Apart from my front door (which also has a keypad so I need neither an implant nor a key) I don’t have to deal with access control systems.

I can’t convert my wife’s jeeps.

When I finish the keyboard wedge that might be enough impetus though (if the Apex Max isn’t out yet).

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Maybe I can tempt you with this:

I got my first implant for purely practical reasons (to get rid of keys and passwords, as always) Then my second because one kind isn’t enough. Then my third for the same reason, etc… But as I got more and more “compatible” with the RFID world around me, and also adapted key bits of the world to me, I started to feel more and more connected to some invisible world of machinery. It’s a subtle feeling of belonging to it as much as I belong to humanity. Hard to describe without falling into a bad parody of a 60’s science fiction pulp but… there ya go.

I still feel it all the time. It’s deep, slightly transformative and strangely personal. Half of the attraction of implants to me is that indescribable feeling of being to the world of machines what Portuguese jesuit priests were to medieval Japan: barely accepted there, not really compatible with that alien kingdom, yet having a foothold there despite all odds. If that makes any sense…

You could possibly enjoy experiencing it too. It’s interesting.


That’s ok, implants don’t have to have to appeal to everyone. And I’d be a hypocrite if I started pressuring someone to get one when I support morphological freedom.

In fact, this is why I suggested the x field detector. That keychain sized device should give a decent indication of how well an x series implant would perform without having to get one installed.

Well, the order is in, normally it doesn’t take more than a couple of days for orders to get here, so hopefully I can test for you by the end of the week.

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It is tempting. If it wasn’t a 500 mile round trip to the nearest known installer I would probably have been chipped by now.

I don’t feel like I could do a self install particularly as I am interested in bigger antennae.

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I’m in the same sort of situation. My installer is 400 miles from me. Although I’ve been lucky so far: he does a “circuit” even year and travels to my town to do installs on request. And my local tattoo artist guy can handle glassies. But if / when I finally receive a certain implant I’m waiting on, and if my health is good enough, I’ll have to travel to Helsinki to have it installed this time. Not really convenient. But hey, It wouldn’t be my first nonsensical implant-related use of time and money :slight_smile:

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Good news, the x field detector arrived.

Bad news, I can’t get it to light.

I also can’t get it to light with an mfrc 522 but can barely get light from it with a Proxmark3.

I would think it would be fine with a flex implant.

Thanks for checking!