Cyborg sticker ideas?

Thinking something more simple.


One more because i like poking the zealots.


Itā€™s a real pity it wasnā€™t Revelations 13:56

Maybe somebody could have a word with the author, and ask them to change the psalm / chapter


submit an enhancement release for the next version, they dont do a lot of fact checking so itll be fine


I donā€™t even know if I like the premise of this one.

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Can you send me those chip vector files?

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Hereā€™s .svg files. Little implant stickers for all to create!

@Az_F vector files for ya :slight_smile:

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Using the vector files, i like the idea of something like this that can be printed on the square sticker RFID cards so you can have a T5577 or NTAG chip in the sticker itself.
NExt Square

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The new official DT font is Anek Kannada for the new site coming soonā„¢ā€¦ probably best to use that font on stickers :slight_smile:


Im just some shmuck with access to my companyā€™s Creative Cloud account, i would reccomend a designer spruce up any ideas i come up with, i used a basic Serif font since that is pretty universally legible. That and i currently have like 300 tabs open and im being asked to restart to install this font and im not ready for a commitment like a restart right now.

With that said @amal do you have a branding guidelines sheet available? i am sure that would help make some uniformity in these designs

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Just FYI


Hereā€™s my take on this. I have the whole thing vectorized but you canā€™t post vectors directly here.

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Looks great, i would increase the opacity of the logo in the background, and add the dangerous things website, because we need ā€œsomeā€ branding for others to come back to the site. Also consider making the inside of the chip not transparent (even thought it is glass). because it kind of makes it difficult to see what the core focus of the image is supposed to be

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Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re talking about with the opacity thing but now thereā€™s a website on it. I donā€™t think a T5577 and NTAG216 sticker exists though. I can remake this to have whatever implant we want on it though. I could just put a xNT on it too.

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I meant to lighten the logo image in the background. Its pretty dark so it makes reading the text and seeing the overlayed image and text difficult.

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You guys are making me think about what my NExT will beā€¦ Ok, I donā€™t have any tattoos and will probably get more implants instead. But Iā€™m toying around with the idea.

Alright, since I sorta worked on all of them a little here and there. What do you guys think? This is the few Iā€™d actually submit to any sticker contest. Although, I keep making new ones whenever an idea pops into my head. As soon as my CJV330 works again Iā€™m gonna crank out a few batches of the needle and Itā€™s Free Real Estate ones. Might even stick em to some random places.

Edit: I am realizing that if I put these in public I should probably put a link to DT or something on them

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