Dangerous Things community project agreement

Ich stimme zu

I agree!

I agree


I agree.

I agree.

I agree.

(Just in case I come up with a good idea, because then more people get to enjoy it.)

I agree

If a bunch of people can’t enjoy it, is it REALLY a good idea? :thinking:

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I agree

Dm me your address, ever get a glitter bomb?

But if we can get it on video then while he might not enjoy it the rest of us will.



I think you are misunderstanding what I said. Good ideas happen all the time, that nobody gets to enjoy, or only one, or a few person(s) gets to enjoy, because the person(s) who had the idea, either never shares it, or never creates it. For example, I created a unique knot work design that was only ever shared with one person, a jeweller, who created one ring from that design, and swore never to make another. Only one person gets to enjoy that ring (it’s not me).

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I agree.

This is a good idea.

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I agree

I agree

I Agree

I agree

I agree.