Devices usable for Implants


I’m new to the so called “Biohacker” scene and my experiences are mixed. Most of the people are very nice fellows(about 99%) just a few weirdos, but you’ll find those everywhere. Also, I noted the rejection of this technology is very widespread in the country where I currently live. I personally think it is rooted in the level of general ignorance especially when it comes to new things. People here in Alabama telling you straight up how much they missing their freedom to burn witches alive.
Sorry I got a little sidetracked, what I’m trying to say is that there’s not much technology out there which works with RFID/NFC implants without modifications.

I was looking for a door lock which will work with my NExT implant and found many good ones which don’t. One whole topic in this forum is talking about the SAMSUNG SHS-3321 and ways to make it work again. This particular device is a very good looking product, the technology isn’t necessary the latest but it does the job. SAMSUNG is trying to sell their own NFC chip cards for the lock and removed the supports for regular NTAG216 chips from the firmware. In the official statement I got from them is explained that “security” reasons lead to that decision. That could be correct or not, it lead me to consider other options.

I found this lock here:

It looks very good for my taste and has even better features for a better price. You can find this and other on their AMAZON store: Laxre Bluetooth keyless Fingerprint Door Lock
I don’t get paid from them for posting this here, I just want to help others to find devices which work with their implants. My Laxre lock will be delivered on Monday 28, December 2020 and I can’t wait to test it.
I’ll keep you updated…


Cool have you seen this im sure it can be added once we get some feedback.


Nice list, how can I submit my content for it?

Either post in the thread or @ Pilgrimsmaster pretty much anywhere on the forum and he’ll add it for you.

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I certainly will, I have been watching , It is on my todo list, I’m away and just on my phone at the moment, I will do it when I’m back at a :computer:.
Much easier, to compress images etc

It hasn’t been tested yet afaik, maybe hold off on adding it until @Intector gets it and has a chance to try it with their NExT?

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I should have added, and waiting.
But yes, Waiting until it has been tested and hopefully with a couple of implants

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Good idea, lets run some test’s first…

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I noticed that there are very few devices marked as compatible with the Spark 2. Is the lack of compatibility due to lack of testing with the spark 2 or actual lack of compatibility. I have a Spark 2 implant already and NExT implant that I haven’t implanted yet.

Infrastructure for the Spark 2 is being set up but not everything is rdy yet, e.g.
Locks etc that are based on ID should work with the Spark 2 if the xNT works, no?

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Yes, anything that works off of UID with the xNT and the NExT should also work with the Spark 2 because they’re all ISO 14443A. The spark 1 was different

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tenor (10)

Sadly, not even close. Case in point, Mifare 1k 4 byte NUID is ISO14443A and works with new Samsung Ezon locks, but NTAG216 does not. Likewise, the Spark2 is an ISO14443A chip that is also an NFC Type 4 tag… more like a desfire chip… and soooo many systems that work with Mifare and/or ntag21x don’t work with desfire or spark2… my Samsung Ezon that does work with my NExT, does not work with a spark2 or desfire. Fucking. Annoying.

The issue really has nothing to do with the RFID reader hardware, it’s the application firmware / software that is at fault… or sometimes deliberately excluding certain tag types.


So if the tag has a 7 byte UID (excluding the 4 byte NUID of MIFARE) and it operates on ISO 14443A, it won’t automatically work on locks that only operate by checking the UID with the select command? I stand corrected. That’s ridiculous. It’s literally the whole point of the ISO standard that they share certain commonalities that all systems will understand.

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Yep you got that right even uid only locks in alot of cases will only read type 2 tags for absolutely no good reason.

I get the reason, it’s for the illusion of exclusivity. “Only our tags work”

Sometimes… sometimes it’s simply a case of “spec says work with Ultralight” and they do the bare minimum to meet the spec… sometimes with copied code they don’t understand… sometimes they totally misunderstand how to get the ID and basically do a read command to read the ID from the memory pages instead of the select command, which only works if the tags have the same read pseudo-apdu commands… and the ID is in the same memory location… soooo many ways stupid can play into it.

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Yeah but to their credit, the number of different NFC standards, APDU commands and all that jazz is a complete jungle, the documentation is often sketchy, and… well, they’re lock makers, not NFC reader makers.

And yes, to keep costs down, as soon as it works with whatever’s on their product sheet, however poorly, that’s good enough. Not to mention manufacturers that supply “official” tags at obscene prices, that have an interest in making sure their products don’t work with anything else.

Also, for stuff made in China, don’t expect quality.

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Hey guys,

I think there’s some misconception about the term ISO. The ISO 14443 and their derivate don’t describe what information from an RFID/NFC tag has to use for any purpose it’s a description about the tag itself. the ISO 14443 for example consists of 4 parts:

  • ISO/IEC 14443-1:2018 Part 1: Physical characteristics
  • ISO/IEC 14443-2:2016 Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface
  • ISO/IEC 14443-3:2018 Part 3: Initialization and anti-collision
  • ISO/IEC 14443-4:2018 Part 4: Transmission protocol

It does not say much about the content of the data and absolute nothing about what has to be done with the data in any particular case.
It’s up to manufacturer of any product which utilizes this technology, what part of the data is used and how is this part implemented into the product. Of course there will be many different ways of product specialization between the different manufacturers, since the regular consumer is not expected to be knowledgeable enough to discriminate these issues. However, it’s questionable if any specific marketing strategy is preferable or not, this will only shown in the success of any product.

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Actually, part 3 should include UID… which is what we’re referring to with ISO14443A and locks


Hey guys,

here is now my update on my new door lock from China. This seller has an Amazon store and offers his products with Amazon Prime, very fast free shipping. The lock came in yesterday and it looks awesome. Here’re the parts that come with it:

The black device is made from metal and very sturdy. The actual keys are special security keys which makes the lock hard to pick. Well, I know if one want to break in they’ll find a way, but hey who ever brakes into my house will just waste their time.
Out of curiosity, I took the lock apart to check on the internals. The PCB’s and the assembly is very good quality.
Here’re some pictures of the main board:

It’s kind of hard to make out what chips are used, but with some effort it probably would be possible. The keypad is made of a flexible PCB and has the NFC antenna incorporated. The keys are capacitive sensors, no mechanical parts. The fingerprint sensor is a module and can be easily replaced in case it gets damaged.
The lock comes with a very good set of instructions for installation and operating. The lock also works with a App for Android or iPhone. I’m not an iPhone person and didn’t test the App for that. The Android App is very intuitive and works great with all settings for the lock accessible from the App.

Here’re some video’s from the lock working:

LAXRE door lock closing - YouTube
LAXRE door lock opening. - YouTube


  • sturdy metal housing
  • good quality parts and assembly
  • works with Bluetooth
  • Fingerprint
  • NExT NFC implant is working other NTAG216 from NXP tested too
  • nice phone App
  • easy install


  • uses 4 AAA batteries, could be 4 AA batteries
  • motor makes a week impression, but I can be wrong