I’ll start with these for now.
• Were you freaked out the first time you did it?
• Does one side sense more than the other?
• I wonder if it will ever encapsulate and quit flipping?
• Are you happy it does this?
I was freaked out, mostly cause I figured I broke it or something. It happened by accident on my iPad case last week.
The finger pad side senses. I dont sense out of my fingernail… then again I haven’t tried it specifically but I was surprised the magnets responded through the bone and nail and everything.
No clue, it might for others but not me or the other way around. I have faulty collagen so we never know what my body is gonna do with stuff.
Cool party trick? I don’t know, I’m alright with it doing that. Neither happy nor unhappy.
I should’ve worded that different. (I don’t know how the poles on the magnet are orientated) What I meant to ask was; Is the sensing different more or less depending on which side of the magnet is toward the pad?
That is so neat it does that, I would’ve been caught off guard if it happened to me.
Thank you for sharing that video, it made my skin crawl
At this point its spun or tumbled or flipped enough times I have no clue which side is where. The sensing is the same.
hahah yeah its a bit freaky, I like it
That can’t be good for the pocket
I wouldn’t do it all day, every day, but if it’s fully healed it’s fine … so long as you’re not using a stupidly strong magnet but Maria is also not an idiot haha
I did it today for testing and it’s happened once of twice with magnets “in the wild” (mainly my laptop and ipad cases). Today I was doing my nails and was surprised by the interaction so I decided to film it. The magnet is pretty much healed in place by now (its been two weeks). And yeah, I’d like to think i’m not an idiot
I kinda dislike it already… it’s probably too thick to stay in place
It’s very much in place. My other magnets do something similar. Different only because the coating is parylene so the magnet behaves differently but theres a lot of movement too.
Grab yourself a pole indicated magnet and you will be able to quickly tell
I think the fact that you can flip the poles is pretty awesome.
You can choose to repel or attract other magnets.
You should learn some magic tricks
Exactly, I would think this creates the possibility of being able to change the way you sense things as well.
hahah remember, I’m American, so everything reduces down to gun lingo…
Hey, I’m very new to all this. If I understand correctly, an xG3 v2 is essentially a magnet you implant into your finger?
Hello and welcome!
Its a implantable Magnet.
There is nearly 0 reason to implant it in the finger, Its just too big for a finger.
Its a magnet in a glass tube, 15x3mm
Here you can get some info about the magnet it self
Here you can get info about the X series Implants in general
highly recommend that!
There are lots of good info about the X Series!
Thank you!
Spinning/tilting/tumbling/rotating/whatever the m31
That creeps the shit outta me.
Part of the appeal is creeping the shit outta other people.
It’s a pretty amazing bonus feature.
Do not like
It’s weird the lines we draw
The idea of it sliding left right or up and down is fine
But the idea of it flipping over is bizarre and skin crawling