EMV Payment Chip Conversion

Well done you :+1:

I saw your “Rant” just AFTER @invalid_signal replied to you and was all polite…I was not going to be !!!

In fact I was close to just banning you…


I hope Satur9’s option works for you


This community can help me achieve what I want to do, and the last thing I want is for something dumb like my mouth gets me booted before I can even do anything. Nothing like that will ever be posted by me again.

Again I really am sorry.


Glad to hear you’ve come to that realization, welcome :slight_smile:
Satur9 is a champ and I’m sure they’ll help you to the best of their ability.

U have a photo of it?

It’s 12mm x 32mm. It’s pictured here with a CoM module placed correctly. This works like a normal tap to pay card, but with reduced read range. It still works on all the readers I’ve encountered though.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

Im trying to do the exact same thing as @Trefor and reducing the size of my Credit card by taking out the chip

I have taken it out here is how it looks
I wonder if the PCB would work with this too

Nope, that is not a CoM chip. Look for the little squiggly trace that indicates there’s a small antenna on the back

Thanks for your reply

Just curious is there anyway to get this chip to work outside the card
Like soldering the antenna back on etc.

Is this what you meant by squiggly linem

Does this identify if it is CoM?


Both of these chips are EMV Chips

I would like to solder on a antenna
I see there are multiple contact points coming out from each side
Is it a different to which of them i solder the antenna?

Both of these chips are EMV Chips

I would like to solder on a antenna
I see there are multiple contact points coming out from each side
Is it a different to which of them i solder the antenna?

There is already an antenna on both of those chips you posted, so no soldering required. You just need to stick it on one of these CoMmuter boards posted earlier in this thread like this:

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Dt officially has these boards now for conversion but I’ve not updated the conversion page yet.

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Is there going to be an “I Identify as a CoM chip” visual guide on the webpage?

I can see A LOT of people asking the same question:-

“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”
“is this a CoM chip?”

If they can see some identifiers, I think it would be a good idea


Oh i understand now
Thanks so much for the help

Trying to learn… Hope one day to be as good as all of you guys


Yeah probably a video actually


So two quick questions just out of curiosity:

  1. if the coil is alread on the chip, what exactly is the CoMuter board doing?
  2. what’s the realistic max width of an implant that can be installed using a needle?

Resonant repeater for increased range

I’m going to qualify that with, depending on the shape.

I installed a FlexM1 (8mm wide, wedge shaped) with no issue.
I installed a FlexNT (8mm wide, Rectangular shaped) this needed further opening with a scalpel, This is not reccomended, but it did work for me.

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Interesting, thanks for the info!

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