Experiments, Hypotheses, Data Collection

Is there any particular data that would be useful to the community to record, or experiments that could be insightful? Any hypotheses anyone out there wishes to see tested? If so, are there operational definitions so we can standardise the procedures and data we collect?

I’m about to needle install a few more devices, so if there’s any questions related to the procedure or recovery, maybe I could provide some data points. (Otherwise I could just try to record it and post the videos to Install Videos and Pictures.)

It may be useful to have a general purpose projects thread where we curate a database of experiments we’d be interested in and info on how to contribute, if there’s interest in something like that? Or maybe there’s already something like that out there for the biohacking community? I know we already have free-form discussion, and maybe that’s sufficient. (For instance the standardised tests on @Az_F’s ZINC app, which I’d like to look into once I implant a magnet.) I’m just imagining something like a catalogue of hypotheses we could browse to make it easier to find projects we can contribute to.


Oh boy! That’s some code I need to work on once I get back home :sweat_smile:
We were talking about ways to organize information with @hoker and @Satur9 and I think community experiments could be included in some way