Not yet… or not at all, I’m not sure… though I’d be willing to pay the full price, that’s not the problem
Thing is, though the flexMN is smaller, it is still very thin and I’m honestly afraid of having it cut into the pocket again - maybe I’m just too clumsy for big flexies… and I will definitely wait some time and see how happy others are with it. No early adopter this time
Wouldn’t it be a classic if you came back to the same hospital 4 months later and they had to take something out of the same pocket? I bet their case report would be interesting.
Just tried it out - plugged my ACR into a wall socket, and it activates the blinkies just fine. They don’t blink, but are steadily on. edit: okay, they blink, but in very high frequency and without going completely off…
So I think if I put some sort of powerbank behind the picture frame and plug the ACR into that, it should work fine
Maybe it’s because you plugged it to a 1A or 2A charger. Those actually talk to the reader through USB to negotiate power. Maybe that’s enough to make it go. I tried it with a dumb 500mA plug and it ain’t doing nothing here.
That’s because the reader repeatedly probes the NTAG (and finds it each time). Try to set it further away so it can’t quite catch it and the LEDs should stay solid on.
I’m completely clueless when it comes to electrical engineering, so I have no idea why it works - but it does
The adapter I use says something like output = 5.0V 1.55 A
Guess I’ll take care the powerbank I’m going to get says something similar…^^
Okay, I’ll do some tuning once I get the powerbank, picture frame and some time for tinkering
Yeah it’s a smart charger. All the ones that say 500 mA or 0.5 A are dumb chargers.
It’s one of the features of USB: chargers are required to supply 0.5 A on their 5V line regardless. But it if can do better, then the device connected to it can negotiate how much it can pull from the charger.
So anything over 0.5 A is smart by definition. That must be what activates the ACR122U.
Yep - and on the same wall, I’m going to put the design of my scarification, so it’s gonna be my bodymod-wall
But I think this may take some more time, because I’ll decide what wall this will be after the house is renovated, and this might still take some months…
Maybe I’ll make this project here first, after all it’s just a small frame I can put anywhere until the house is “ready”…^^
Thanks a lot for that, so I know what to look for now
I would be misleading if I said it’s not disappointing on some level to have paid so much for a product, to then not be able to implant due to glue residue and covid, then to get a replacement and have the product discontinued before I even got it installed. I know that’s just the way it goes sometimes with cutting edge experimental products.
That said, I recognise that you have sunk a lot of time and shipping cost into making me 2-for-the-price-of-1 as it is, and I totally get why you can’t just make it 3-for-the-price-of-1 without not just working for free (which as Rosco said, nobody should do) but actually taking a loss. In light of all the sunk costs and countless hours you’ve spent making these things, I think a $150 coupon is a pretty fair deal.
It still kinda means that at the end of the day I’ve got some very expensive NTAG216+T5577 test cards, but hey, that’s life
Is there any option that the coupon could be used on a FlexMT instead? The MN looks great but does more than I need and I’m not sure I can justify the extra cost after already sharing in the hit from the NExT - thinking maybe the MT is the way to go and i just live without NDEF records.
Look at it this way: if I was you, I’d be jolly happy. Because what I got that you didn’t get is weeks of trouble healing up, a scar that will need reopening and I’m not looking forward to it. You didn’t get none of that.
I’d gladly pay $269 for a product that I would never have had installed, knowing what has happened to those who did. Just fucking going to Helsinki to get the replacement installed, and probably staying the night there for safety’s sake will cost me just as much.
I understand how you feel, but I’d rather be in your shoes (figuratively of course )
EDIT: Oh and you can put an NDEF on a M1k (flexMT). It’s just that cellphones that don’t have an NXP chipset won’t be able to read it. But the majority will.
Add two days in hospital, one week with a very painful hand and two weeks of antibiotics (until now) for me^^ And two big scars, but to be honest, that doesn’t really bother me
Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s been a blessing I couldn’t get mine installed - I’m well aware I’m one of the lucky ones in this compared to those who did have the install and have a more difficult path to replacement with more healing time. Amal just wanted genuine feedback and I can only go off the experience I’ve had.
And yeah, I know about the NXP fake-NDEF, but if I’m going to be guessing whether a phone will read the record and waving it around swearing it should work, I may as well just try and get it to couple with my NExT - still a valid solution for some though.
I can really understand that you are disappointed - another thing Rosco, me and all the others had (and you did not) were at least some weeks or months of fun with blinkies underneath our skin
And while I’m (currently…) pretty sure I won’t put a flexy of that size in my body again, it still was quite an experience - and one I didn’t regret at all.
Coupon codes now available for flexNExT customers… just hit the orange help button on the website and send me your order number for the flexNExT and we’ll get you a coupon.
To be honest, my thoughts pretty much echo this - while I can’t say it’s not slightly disappointing to not get a full refund on this, ultimately people who bought and implanted the flexNExT knew that they were getting an experimental, cutting edge implant, and I feel like we should be prepared for (even if we don’t like to think about it) failure in one way or another. $150, while not a full refund, seems like a great compromise given how much work has been done on these and getting people who have had failures another way to get a great option for a replacement.
I just was adding a FlexMN to my cart to test out the coupon code, and it looks like mine doesn’t work for the green blinky option. I tested the other varieties of colors/form factors, and those seem fine. Not sure if that’s just my coupon code or if the codes at large aren’t set up for those, but I thought I’d give you a heads up