Update: I’m going on day 4 of my ntag not reading. For some reason, starting this past Saturday, my ACR122U doesn’t register the flexNExT being scanned (found this out when Rohos wouldn’t log me into my computer). This had happened once before (when the scanner wouldn’t pick it up), but it started reading within a couple hours. This time around, it seems much more bitchy. I’m hoping that this is related to the fact that I’ve been moving furniture across town and around my house for the past few days, but truthfully, it is a bit disconcerting.
Just wanted to share for anyone else following along with flexNExT installs
Edit to the update:
Forgot to mention that the LEDs are working intermittently as well. There’s one in particular that’s pretty much always working fine, but there’s one that hardly works at all, and the other is pretty finicky and will only light up when I place the reader in a particular position (whereas before the LEDs were all pretty responsive to the reader). Also, for what it’s worth, my phone can’t pick up the NTAG either (the NDEF holds a VCard), so I can say pretty definitively that it’s not the reader that’s the problem.
Next paycheck I’m planning on picking up one of the DT Proxmarks, so hopefully that will shed a little more light on that.