FlexNExT not reading - Excess liquid above it?

You dirty girl you. Anyway, goes to show, great minds think alike.


Glad to hear you’re fine! ^^

can relate… :slightly_frowning_face:

And it didn’t show up on the first exams you made?
Unlucky… but explains everything much better actually!!

That’s what really matters!
That, and the whole experience!! :grin:

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what a strange thing to say!



XD That’s rosco and comas dynamic, legit read the replies to comas scarification topic

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I’m mighty curious what bug they’ll find. Cuz if there was an infection, it must’ve gotten in on install day. So it was either something on the implant that was packaged in and came in by post to Germany (unlkely) or your installer got careless.

Correct me if I’m wrong,

But isn’t it possible an unrelated bug that was in your body already found the area and found it favorable to flourish?

Your body has an immune system, but it isn’t like there are no baddies floating around in there

Yeah, I believe Amal has said than an issue with some types of coatings is the tendency to host bacterial films.

I asked my doc about that, and he said it was very unlikely (near impossible) that my body takes full four months to react to something that went wrong on installation day. So I think Amal and my artist are out of the game here, because…

At least that’s what my docs assumed. Especially since this happened very fast and might have been related to an injury on the inside.

But yeah, I’m curious to see what they find out!

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I was more thinking of a low-level infection that your body was containing more or less (hence the edema) and then the bug went on full attack for some reason. But hey, I wouldn’t know, I ain’t no doctor.

Yes this is called biofouling and it’s very unlikely in our biopolymer… however… adhesive contamination come create an entirely different situation there… especially if your body tried to encapsulate it, effectively creating a little safe haven dark back alley kind of setup for a rouge bacteria to set up shop.

Possibly staphylococcus… it’s super common in skin but also free floating around inside us.

Glad it’s out. Glad you’re doing well.


I just want to say, I appreciate you and your business. I won’t say no to a freebie of the new one, but probably won’t have this one removed.

My partner asked if I was getting a refund or new one or whatever, and I told them it would probably be something like this, but that I wasn’t actually upset. Like, sure, it’s unfortunate that I can’t give someone my business card with it anymore, but I’m also really glad this is available at all, and would rather it be sold as safe and probably flawless but a possible issue or few than not sold at all.


You have a great attitude, and yeah DT after sales is awesome.

The fact that DT is willing to try new things and the community is willing to implant them is a fantastic symbiotic relationship.



there will be an option to get credit towards this new product in the works…


Completely understandable
Looking forward to this new product. Also, great action getting us the refund into something like a new product which will be safer, will accept it for sure!

I know that it’s TOP SECRET right now but, will it blink?

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i think that can be an option yes


Guys, small update about my dead FlexNExT (HF).
Two LEDs are now dead, only one left.
Really weird, haven’t had any trauma, skin is fine.
LF still working
When the HF died, all the LEDs were working fine

That really sucks, I’m sorry to hear it. Sounds like the connections / components on those two NFC LEDs have been damaged :frowning:

Are you planning to get a flexMN or flexMT as a replacement? Or just keeping it as a big flexEM for now?

Interestingly, while my doNExT is deader than a dead dodo, the three LEDs are still perfectly fine. And since it died, I quit being particularly careful with it.

I wonder if it has something to do with the LEDs being attached to something with a lot more give than the flexNExT over their entire surface. Or said another way, maybe sticking the nails across the boundary of the flexNExT’s stiff core and floppy outer rim creates shearing forces in them that cause them to fail.