FlexNExT not reading - Excess liquid above it?

My condolences. I agree with Amal, I think it should have been out a bit ago.

To me, the pain you have combined with the redness, reminded me of my injury, which could have lead to a huge section of my leg skin going necrotic. I didn’t want to say anything before, as I wasn’t trying to make you panic…

I hope it comes out with no issue, and I hope you can keep your implant.

Maybe, yes…
But funny enough, my main doc told me to just keep it calm for some days. And since most surgeons who don’t know implants always want to remove them…
Well. I think I put this into the “stupid me”- category again…

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First off… Good luck on the overnight! :confounded:

I totally understand @amal’s stance on this, and if it were anyone else I would probably have been recommending the removal way earlier!

But if it were me I would have done exactly the same as you. Even if I would already have set my mind to remove it and not replace with another…

…As long as both my doctor and my artist were agreeing that there was no immediate danger, I would push a bit (i.e. waiting the weekend like you did, but no much more than that) to see what would happen.

Even if only for the sake of learning a bit more about my own body, and to gather more non-speculative data for the community.

But that’s me… wouldn’t recommend it to others… =P


Not at all. LEDs are behaving the same way as I stated a while ago.

Nope. He stretched the skin a bit but no bending at all. He did an awesome job!
You can check the moment he inserts the implant in this video (BLOOD WARNING) at aroung 0:20:

Wasn’t aware. Going to my father’s Sauna today :rofl:


Wow they deem it serious enough to keep you overnight…


Good luck with it all.

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Is it possible to share the x-ray with us? Really curious to know how it looks

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Thanks for all the good wishes :slight_smile:
Just had an appointment with the anaesthesist, things are getting really annoying - they want me to take all my piercings out for the operation… might take some time…
I’m not sure if I can get the x-ray, but if I get it, I’ll share it here, of course!

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Why would they want all others piercings out? I find that curious but maybe I’m just missing something…

Why? Stop that kind of talk. I am not allowed to talk about myself that way, nor are you.

You got a body mod you wanted. You followed directions. You are being mindful about your future health by having it removed.

How does any of that make you stupid?

Makes ya smart. Stupid would be ignoring it, and hoping for the best.


They said they might work with electricity, and that might lead to burns because of the metal. Sounds silly for me, since they didn’t ask about teeth fillings or medical titanium implants or anything… I told them I can’t take all out (since I wont get them in again myself), and they said I should get at least “most” out…

Seriously… thanks a lot for that. I had people in white clothes telling me all day how stupid I was, might have had some influence

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By that merit everyone here is stupid an I can bet there’s people here smarter than them.


Those don’t qualify as doctors then. They’re not supposed to pass judgment on their patients’ life choices.

In contrast - and this was quite amusing, considering how square Finnish doctors can be - the doc I went to to have my arm checked out at the time when the doNExT was really acting up inspected it, touched it every which way, declared it was okay, very professional, very formal-like. Then as I was leaving her office, she looked at me all flushed and softly said “This is very interesting. Thank you for showing it to me.” - Really refreshing!


I’m going to echo the above, I’d have done just what you did, given the info you’ve shared. I think you’ve done everything right. Don’t beat yourself up. Good luck with the surgeon.

Removing piercings for unrelated surgery always amused me too. “We need to cut you open to put your am back together, please take out your earrings and nipple rings” “erm… doc… you shouldn’t be touching me THERE…” My only/best guess is they are planning for the absolute worst case and afraid of piercings interacting with a crash cart defibrillator

Also, it reminds me of that scene in The Big Lebowski. “He’s a good doctor. And thorough” :laughing:

That would make a lot more sense if you had a trauma, which could have messed up with the contacts and caused the fluid buildup.

But without you noticing a trauma, it sure opens up concerning possibilities…

It’s a mix of misinformation(90%), fear of what happens if they have to use a defibrillator, and fear of what happens if they find something bizarre and need a full body MRI in mid-operation.

I seriously heard that last one when I went down to remove a (sewing) needle that got lodged in my knee (while actually sewing)… So I learnt to not question a surgeon who will operate on me, least I will lose faith in it. :sweat_smile:

I absolutely hate that part of going to hospitals.
Do take some time and is a pain to get all back…
I’ve actually had to re-do a couple because of those overzealous requests… :tired_face:

Uhhhh, that would look amazing!

Hope they give you back to compensate that you have to do that in a hospital instead of with your artist… :confused:

Anyhow, Good luck on the procedure @Coma! :relieved:

I sure agree with you… but that means I never met a doctor then.

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You okay?

Yep. Just got out of the op.
I’ll write a longer summary of it all when I’m home, hopefully with some pics :wink:
But I’m fine now - had a nerve block (feels funny) and sacrificed one of my lip piercings, because I can’t get it back in - didn’t have to take them all out, just mouth and nose (and I get that, in case of emergency those might be annoying).
And I can take my flexy home - just tried it out, it still reads fine :smile:


Glad you’re okay. Too bad about the flexNExT and the piercing. I guess that didn’t work out quite the way you wanted.

So that was general anaesthesia then? Did they take samples to analyze, see if you got a bug or something?

EDIT: ah no, nerve block. Must’ve been local.

Not sure about the correct english term… they injected an anaesthetic into the nerves of my arm, so the whole arm feels very strange now.

And yes, they took samples and removed some tissue - there definitely was an infection. Guess I was still lucky, in a way…

Nope. But that’s okay, things like that can happen. It left no permanent damage, and my piercer will happily re-pierce my lip, so everything’s okay after all :wink:


Glad you’re in good spirits. I’ll let you be until you can post some more then. But I will say this:

If it’s still asleep, don’t miss a great opportunity :slight_smile:


Yeah, had that on my mind as well, but - I can’t move it at all, so… not much fun with that :stuck_out_tongue:

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