FlexNExT not reading - Excess liquid above it?

So there are 3 cases for now.

In my case, the LEDs are working with poor range and are not in sync, they just flash once and, depending on the position of the reader, only one or two LEDs flash.

The NFC tag is certainly dead.

For now, I’m more compelled to believe that fatigue is the cause of the damage. I would expected an expressive reaction from the body if the coating was defective

Hand? Wrist? Somwhere else?

Sorry to hear this…

No lights is quite surprising: the NFC tag dead and 3 lights on seems logical. One light out, perhaps also. But 3 lights out? That would be 4 simultaneous failures. That seems quite unlikely.

Are you certain they don’t even flash briefly?

No blink at all. They were very noticable before.

Wrist, pic attached.

I’m really hoping it’s just the bruising blocking reception, or something. It’s literally just finishing healing and I’d be somewhat ticked if it turns out to be defective.

Yes, they would be, as the reader coupled with the main NFC tag. If it’s gone tits up, the phone / reader only puts out probe pulses, but you should see them - perhaps in the dark or something, when positioning the reader just so, as those pulses can be very weak and very brief.

The reason I asked is because the flexNExT is essentially one big NFC tag with 3 independent smaller NFC blinkies tacked on. They are 4 separate components. Unless you sustained major trauma (and you didn’t obviously) I just can’t see all 4 devices failing at the same time.

Sorry to ask, but I’m not sure what I’m looking at: did you implant it on the inside of your wrist? As opposed to the wristwatch side that is, of course it’s inside your wrist :slight_smile:

You’re totally right. It is still blinking, I just checked in a room without windows. Blinked five times, but that seems to be how my phone is scanning, I confirmed with another LED/NFC implant. And they’re constant with the KBR! reader. Still no actual scan.

Valid point, the way my wrist is bent there is confusing. Yeah, watch clasp sits over “Wrong”

The good news is, your failure now makes sense :slight_smile:
The bad news is, it sure looks like a failure of the bullseye :frowning:

Well, like Mattsudo, I hope I’m wrong and it’ll start working again. I really do.

@dtwebb44 's location seems to be less prone to tendon movement contact, comparing to the top of the hand. Still, I would say that it keeps the implant in the “pringles” shape. BTW, mine is definitely a bit curved because of the natural curve of the hand

Oh, it’s day 3 since I spotted the reading error and it’s still the same

I was about to ask. Sorry to hear that, really I am.

At least I just found out that I can go crazy with the LEDs using my Nintendo Switch Joy Con



Ah, crud.

Well, that’s cool. Will definitely do that with roomies switch controller.

Just go to config and put it to search for an Amiibo, have fun :rofl:

Just out of curiosity - has anyone of those with a (possibly) failing flexNExT tried out the LF side of the implant? It should keep working, or doesn’t it?

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Good question @Coma , I was so worried with the HF that I forgot about the LF.
Will try it as soon as I get home, hope it works

My LF side still works. Tested it with an xAC and it’s no problem at all. Just seems to be HF that’s the problem.


Now i gotta remember this for a party trick XD

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I must say, it now being 3 is making me nervous. @amal, should I reschedule my install till this can be investigated?


To be fair, that’s 3 failures out of… how many? There may be 50 or 100 flexNExTs out there by now, and a fair few of those having been installed for some time. Only Amal knows. We only get to hear from those people who bother to patronize the forum and report on their implants. Surely we few are not the entire installed base.


Guessing we will hear from Amal sooner or later,
I trust that he isn’t going to ghost us, but he’s probably going to try to get to the bottom of it, or have some evidence before making guesses