flexNExT on hand healing process and info [regularly updated]

I think if you pist the original one you still be able to change it years later

If not you got/get 12 or 24 hours to change it don’t
kill me if I’m wrong -:slight_smile:

I can now conclude this thread.
The flexnext came out today and was replaced by an Apex mega spectrum.
The removal required quite a bit of force as it was very well stuck to the skin above and flesh below.
The spectrum was easy to sneak in the huge pocket.

The flexnext was tortured a lot during removal so there’s blood in it. I might take some closups later.
@amal is it of any use to you?


Can you???

If he doesn’t want it, you could do something like @Coma and update this thread with your Handy Work [PUN 100% Intended]



Naa. You should keep it… it’s been a part of you for so long :slight_smile:


Here’s a closeup of the deterioration from flexing on the bull’s eye tag on my do-next. I think the two large pads are split in half where the little hole is. I can also see similar cuts throughout the thin antenna trace. (~2 years).

For reference here’s the still functional tag of my first flex next that only stayed in-vivo a few months


that antenna is traaaaashhhed… wow. i’m actually surprised it got that bad from what could only be assumed as “minimal flexing”… but just enough that it clearly obliterated the entire antenna. it is just printed silver ink… but still… wow.


I’m not a fan of printed silver ink but it’s used in many keyboards, monochrome LCDs, and calculators. I think that Casio managed to make some models entirely out of that stuff.

Anyways, how are you adjusting to your upgraded body part?

Still swollen and covered in bandages so I can’t tell the difference yet :crossed_fingers:


Hey at least you get the stranger for the next week.

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Now that I’ve switched to just a bandaid I’m starting to notice it during the day. Feels weird but honestly better that I thought.
It looks like my hand with something slightly off :sweat_smile:
As with the last two times I have 0 touch sensitivity in the area so it doesn’t help. But I know it comes back progressively after a few months.

There’s a clear difference of coloration between where there used to be an implant and the rest. I’m doubtful it comes from the blood beneath because the spot in the middle that used to be where the donext had a whole and got separated during the removal has the same color as the rest of the skin. I’m pretty sure my skin has a light tan from the exposure to the glow powder for so long.

It’s really hard to catch on camera but here is an attempt:

IRL it looks like a very vague darker donut, the exact shape of the donext.

Another possibility is that the center spot healed quicker because it hasn’t been separated for years and only got torn during removal but given how swollen the entire pocket still is I doubt anything has had time to stick back to the flesh yet.

Edit: What I mean is that this area of skin has had slightly more light over a long period of time because what UV should have been absorbed by the flesh was instead re-emitted back through it in green.