Flipper Zero - Kickstarter RFID/RF/BLE/USB/IR

But I don’t think people in the states are still waiting

I think the areas still waiting are customs shipping and paperwork related, and the hardware/firmware is slightly different

So technically the ones that are available wouldn’t be available in areas that are still waiting

Bad optics but not technically bad


If you’re thinking of the house robot, it’s entirely conceivable that the makers of the Flipper don’t even know where NZ is. Hell, even the NZ government doesn’t know where NZ is…


Yeah, but they did mention that there are 3 different models due to the FCC regulations.
Also the USA was a much larger market, I guess its easier to knock more of those ones out.

It also may have taken longer to get FCC approval in Europe and elsewhere :man_shrugging:

Although :thinking: Australians are getting/ have theirs already and would have had them far sooner if they weren’t held up at the border; NZ / AUS share alot of similar standards : food, safety, electrical etc. but I also thought Frequencies.
NZ SubGHz uses 400, 800 and 900, I was pretty sure Australia was the same. (I just dont care enough to research it)
I must be missing something, because it makes no sense for Flipper to retard the delivery to other countries without a reason, I just trust they want to get Flippers into the hands of their customers as fast as possible.
Including their European customers…

From following the Flipper Forum and Flipper discord, Everybody seems to be happy with the hardware, and software, plus the firmware updates a frequent and support is good.

I don’t have buyers regret, and I’m looking forward getting mine…whenever that happens.

Anyway, I hope everybody already with theirs are enjoying them.

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Haha, That’s awesome


Got a mail from them with a last call for a shipping address change.
I guess shipping to the EU is close now :partying_face:

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in my endless scrolling of thingiverse,
I found this goody

I will print soon, appears I have broken my printer yet again, in yet another way
but it has several makes and looks Good to go

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Seams like the us order placed on the website will ship “in the coming weeks” …

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: 3D Printer Tipps&Support Lounge

Well, they’re moving forward :partying_face:

Do you have any updates on your delivery?


But YAY! for you


Can’t wait for my printer to arrive.

What did you get?

F*** you crack me up with Mr been :rofl: … Haven’t seen it since I was a kid (they don’t show the good wholesome stuff in the US …)

I get how they ended with opening some for the US, but it doesn’t look good for PR …
Hope you get yours soon :+1:

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Received mine a few days ago, got it from eBay as I was very late to the Kickstarter. I have a white one from the recent US restock coming soon. It’s a pretty nifty device and a lot more rigid and heavier than I expected. It’s nice to put it on the “read bank card” feature and light up my xSIID :slight_smile:

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how is the feature set on those now? are they capable of doing everything they were showing off on their KS page?

it’s been able to do all it was set out to do for a while. people misenterpreting what those features were/could do is where the problem came


Hey, can I propose/ask a favor?

I routinely lurk on the flipper discord, but I only understand a fraction of what I read

I see stuff is happening with git hub, but it’s mostly over My head

Could you make an occasional cliff notes “state of software growth” post for us non programmers?

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yaya sure can. i’m at work atm but when i get off i’ll do a cliff notes of where we are at with the flipper currently


Appreciate it no rush, I just see you on there pretty consistently

Figured you could translate some of the technobabble