Getting started with chips


A couple of days ago I realized that the future is already here and making an identification device to be always with me sounds like a good idea. So I started digging into it, but got quickly overwhelmed by amount of information, excessive amounts of terminology and huge choice of devices.

Before I move to the questions, I should mention that I’m living in Russia, and if I check the map of professional installation partners - that’s literally middle of nowhere.

So here are my thoughts:

  1. I still didn’t quite get for what cases I can use the chip in routine life. Here are my ideas, please leave a comment on these if you can:
  • My first guess was to use it for payment - but in Russia, as far as I know, copying card data is illegal.
  • I have a pass on my jobsite, thought of copying pass’s data to the chip.
  • Door … unfortunately has a magnet lock, a no-go I guess.
  • Some smartphone apps… But my phone doesn’t support NFC, so a no-go as well I guess.
  • Everything else I can think of is some custom stuff which I think will be easily achievable - like unblocking PC via chip, enabling custom-built devices etc.
  1. As you could see from the screenshot above, can’t reach any professionals to install the chip. Nor I want to do it myself - I pretty much scared of injections in general when they are not done by doctors or other professionals, and never did any myself. Nor I have doctor friends.
  2. The shipment cost to Russia - how much the taxes are there? I guess that info is somewhere on the site, but I missed that.
  3. Basing on what I told above - might suggest any kind of chip?

Please, correct me if I understand something incorrectly.

Thank you in advance!

Also, regarding custom stuff I mentioned, I’ll give an example. I have a hobby of building lightsabers, and making one so it could only be enabled via chip sounds pretty cool.

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Are there Piercing Studios in your town?
I think every Piercer should be able to implant a RFID Chip.

activating a Lightsaber with a chipimplant sounds so amazing :slight_smile:

but got quickly overwhelmed by amount of information, excessive amounts of terminology and huge choice of devices.

Completely understandable, there is A LOT when you first start down this path.
To start you off slowly ( there is much more to it, but it will come in time by reading through these forums)
There are only 2 Main frequencies
Low Frequency ( LF ) 125 kHz

  • A lot of access systems use this

High Frequency ( HF ) 13.56 MHz

  • Some access systems use this and also NFC capable Phones

For now, don’t worry about all the numbers and terminology you see, Just know that there is a very good chance, there will be a product that will do what you want ( Except Payment like a credit card, but this is coming )

There are 2 Main Types of implants


  • These are the x-Series implants about the size of 2 grains of rice end-end, preloaded into a sterile syringe


  • These are the flat HF implants that have better-performing antennas but require more skill to implant and a bigger hole required

Before I move to the questions, I should mention that I’m living in Russia, and if I check the map of professional installation partners - that’s literally middle of nowhere.

  1. As @JennyMcLane mentioned, Any body piercer should be able to implant this for you.
  2. Failing that, a doctor, nurse or medic would be able to but they will likely take more convincing…
  3. A self-install is possible, but it sounds like you are not up for that

Nor I want to do it myself…I pretty much scared of injections

  1. A friend would also be able to do it, and I will provide links that will make this very clear that it is easy to do

read ?

read ?

Watch Installation procedure Guide 1

Watch Installation Procedure Guide 2

Watch Needle insertion angle

How to approach a professional DT Info

  • My first guess was to use it for payment - but in Russia, as far as I know, copying card data is illegal.

As stated above, that technology is not QUITE ready yet

  • I have a pass on my jobsite, thought of copying pass’s data to the chip.

That is the perfect use, However you will need to provide us some more information on this
and you have a couple of approaches you can take.
Ask the people that manage your access system
Take a photo of your card and Access panel ( Don’t get caught, we dont wan’t you going to a Gulag )
Ideally, we need to know:-

  • What Frequency it operates on ( normally it will either be 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz, but sometimes both. My work is capable of both but only operates 125kHZ )
    The easiest way to do this is with a RFID Diagnostic Card But if you buy what suggest below, it comes with one of these
  • We also need to know the protocol it is running to find the compatibility with the correct implant. ( these are all the numbers you would have seen [NTAG216 ISO14443A T5577 etc. ]
    Hopefully, from the information you can find, we will be able to work this out

Now for the hurdle

The programming / cloning of your implant.
This is going to depend on your access system.
the people that manage your access system are willing to enroll or be bribed to enroll your implant ( If they are, then you are all done)
If not, and it is 125kHz system, there are some simple “cheap” solutions
If not, and it is a 13.56MHz system it gets tricky and can be more expensive but possible.
Let’s worry about that when / if we have to.

  • Door … unfortunately has a magnet lock, a no-go I guess.

The actual locking mechanism doesn’t make a difference. ie. If by swiping your access card / fob it releases the magnetic lock, then that’s all that matters

  • Some smartphone apps… But my phone doesn’t support NFC, so a no-go as well I guess.

There are other options, but an NFC capable phone is the most convenient ( Easiest )
(Let’s wait and see what you need first)

  • Everything else I can think of is some custom stuff which I think will be easily achievable - like unblocking PC via chip

enabling custom-built devices etc

125 kHz

13.56 MHz

There are a lot of other things on the market, just search for 125 kHz & / or 13.56 MHz

The shipment cost to Russia -

That will depend on what you buy, Some products have free shipping

how much the taxes are there?

Sorry, I can help you with this one, that will be the at the Russian end

Basing on what I told above - might suggest any kind of chip?

Initially, I would say get a NExT ( Which you get free postage )
it does both frequencies 125 kHz & 13.56 MHz
There are 2 options

NExT Standard Kit

NExT Deluxe Kit


  • 1 xEM Access Controller ( 125kHz controller )
  • 1 Dangerous KBR1 Keyboard Wedge Reader ( Computer unlock )

But let’s wait to see what information you can get about your work access system, However I think the NExT will be a very likely solution for you

I concur, with you both, that sounds awesome.
Dont forget to share some photos

Thank you in advance!

No problems comrade :ru: :new_zealand:


Thanks for a big post, that cleared up a lot to me!

Can’t make photos for now, but went to ask our security staff about the system. We use EM-Marine ISO keycards using 125kHz frequency. The readers vary all over (most used is Matrix II one), but all of them are able to read these keycards. Not sure what exactly to ask them about enrolling the chip though. Do I understand correctly that the chip comes with its own data and I should ask our staff to add it into access system?

Checked the NExT page - looks good to me, I can afford getting Standart bundle with no problem. Deluxe is kinda too expensive for me yet.

Sounds promising, But I will prefix this with the following:-
I am not an expert, so It would be good to get confirmation from somebody within the community with more knowledge than myself.

Below is the information I found, but here is the summary:

Your job-site system

Wikipedia EM4100 the EM-Marin is one of the most common in Russia. They operate in the frequency range of 125 kHz and store a unique number 40 bits long.

Dangerous Things NExT

NExT is 2 chips in 1
Half is an xEM 125kHz EM41xx
Pre-programmed in EM41xx mode with a 40 bit unique ID

Get confirmation from somebody else on here

Yes, ask them first… It should be as easy as adding a new card. This is your BEST option.
( Remember you won’t be able to add it until it is implanted as it won’t be able to be read inside the syringe, and if you take it out of the syringe it will no longer be sterile). So make sure you ask them before you order.

If they won’t, but you are able to send your access card to Dangerous Things, They will be able to preload ( Clone ) your card onto your implant and send it all back to you, and then you will just need to implant it. Cloning service

I hope that all makes sense

EM4100 ( EM4102 , the EM-Marin ) - format contactless radio frequency [ID card] of the EM Microelectronic-Marin (Eng.) Russian. , one of the most common in Russia. They belong to the class of passive RFID cards, because they do not have a built-in power supply. They operate in the frequency range of 125 kHz and store a unique number 40 bits long.

xEM ( this is the 125kHz side of NExT )

The xEM chip is an emulator that can behave like many different common low frequency chip types, including EM41xx

  • 125kHz EM41xx/EM4200/HID/Indala compatible ATA5577 RFID chipset
  • Full datasheet for the Atmel ATA5577 chip

Pre-programmed in EM41xx mode with a 40 bit unique ID

  • Encased in 2.1mm by 12mm bioglass with non-toxic epoxy
  • Pre-tested and pre-loaded into sterile injection assembly
  • No “anti-migration” coating means easy removal / replacement
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Got a response from security staff: “I’ll add the ID if it’s either 16 characters or in such format: «111/11111»”.

That’s outside my knowledge base sorry!
I’ll let somebody else on here answer that for you.
@amal is your best bet, but also a bunch of other knowledgeable people on here. so; hopefully you can:-
get you answer
place your order
become a cyborg

Good luck

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Thanks anyways, you were a huge help already!
Looking forward to other replies.

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Can you send me a card with these numbers on them? Basically one will have to read the ID from the chip directly and then see if they can make some sense out of the printed numbers on the card.

The other way this should be able to work is to present your tag to a reader and have the IT staff check the security logs to see exactly how the system “sees” your chip… there should be a failure log for your attempt and from that you can get your ID number, as the system sees it.

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Unfortunately, I can’t leave myself without card for more than 2 days, since without it I can’t reach my jobsite, and sending package will sure take more than that. And I haven’t ordered the chip yet, no way to slap it onto reader. I guess then the only way to clarify this is to speak further with our IT…

You should show those off. So cool.


Oh, what the hell I guess, just gonna grab the NExT bundle and deal with problems as they come :V

UPD: Uh, except shipping costs like 1/2 of the bundle :V

That’s it, it’s because it’s internetional… Well not a problem anymore, I got my friend into this and now we are buying two Standart bundles, which is above 150$ :smiley:

That makes sense, and works out well for you. :+1:
I will delete my last post to prevent confusion to others

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I am from Russia too :slight_smile:
I have ordered EM125 chips from DT couple years ago and was looking for someone to implant.

Finally I have found tattoo salon in SPB and Moscow, that does it. (Nov.2019)

Here is link in article (Russian lang)

They implanted my DT chips, however they have sometimes their own stock.

I was clearly not first customers.

Good Luck!

3 Likes one more link for tatoo salon

@Asdolg I’m from russia too, Perm city. Have NeXT and pm3 with LF antenna. Use implan for office and home territory. If you have question welcome to pm ))