Got a call to come to customs and explain my order

Burglars don’t even use lock picks. They’re more for sport than anything haha

Picks are what you do when you can’t do anything else.

Back when I worked in a metal workshop where people locked their personal files in their toolbox (good files are expensive, and tend to “disappear” or wear out all by themselves if you leave them accessible for some reason), I always kept a home-made rake in my wallet. It’s opened a good many padlocks when I or other coworkers forgot their key at home. And all it cost was an old hacksaw blade and 10 minutes at the grinding wheel.

My standard charge was one beer per padlock opening if I was successful, and I’d pay the man a beer if I wasn’t. One way or the other, we had a beer after work :slight_smile:


I feel that picks are what you do, when you don’t want someone else to know that you opened something.

The only thing I can pick are handcuffs.

You can bend the end of a bobbypin and use it like a key after you bang off the double lock.(internal lock usually activated by the small part of a handcuff key.)

Or if you can use the flat side of the bobbypin after you bite the round piec off and shim it in. Pretty much push it in where the teeth enter as you tighten it, getting it between the teeth and other part. Then you should be able to slide it in more, and undo the cuff.

My point to keep this on track being, if you were ordering criminal things, I doubt they would be listed if you took anytime to research ordering things in private.

You should order bobbypins. Have the custom sheet list, “10,000 Handcuff picks” and open it in front of them.

That much is obvious to anybody with a brain.

But remember, customs officers aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack - otherwise they’d be doing something else, including real police work. They’re a costly hindrance if they latch onto your wares for any reason. You want to say as little as possible on the manifest, and on the phone if they call you, to avoid being hassled by ignoramuses on a power-trip, and just enough to avoid looking like you’re deliberately trying to mislead them.

Customs are like a itch you can never scratch. Quite frankly, they cost me so much money - and more importantly, so much hassle and delays in my shipments - over the years that I’d gladly punch a customs officer in the face at random just to calm my nerves if it were legal.

haha while true, i mean… people do try to literally ship bricks of drugs wrapped in gym socks and think they’re gonna get away with it. You might argue that customs people are so jaded by human stupidity that they assume a criminal has literally shipped themselves lockpicks and declared them as such and will attempt to go out and “do crime” with them. Never underestimate the stupidity of a criminal. Customs agents don’t.

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I mentioned this little adventuire in my hackernoon article :wink:

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Great project and share.
Thank you on behalf of the community.

I’m assuming you still haven’t managed to get you implant yet.

Did you consider @KaiCastledine offer

As he is an authorised distributor AND an active forum member here, I’m sure he will be able to discreet package :package: something together for you.

Alternatively, what about a FlexSeries, it may have a much better chance of getting through as it has no needle. Of course an xSeries without needle should also be easy to slip through.
Either way, you can honestly declare them as RFID tags, with no mention of your intention.


Very kind of you fine Sir :blush:

Fortunately, it’s not a do or die really, I kinda know I will eventually get it. Probably when I can travel again in some different country :slight_smile:


We need a cyborg nation.
A bit worried that even my nation would’t allow me to place only my brain in a robot body.


I suppose an excellent lesson that honesty is rarely the best policy when dealing with government authorities.

Not to get too philosophical here, but you may not want that to happen, even if it were possible.

I read a treatise a long time ago that argued that somebody’s brain cannot exist without the body it is connected to, because its connection to the outside world is done through enormous amounts of feedback from the body, and a lot of it is concerned with processing data from a body it knows intimately to interpret the environment it’s in.

If you were to disconnect a brain and give it just basic visual and auditory feedback, expecting it to turn into a happy disembodied thinking machine, it wouldn’t work because the brain in question would simply cease to function, because of the massive sensory disconnect. Or, if it didn’t, it would amount to the worst torture ever experienced by an individual.

And even if you could somehow simulate the sensory feedback from the previous body with the robot, it wouldn’t work either, because even the slightest discordance between the brain’s internal body map and the actual signals would be enough to derail its cognitive processes completely.

In short, a true cyborg in the sense of a biological brain into a robotic body would have to be created that way. An existing brain and body are essentially inseparable.

Well, I have already altered my body map somewhat, sure it was hard for some time, but now it feel totally fine again.

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I counter you point with this,

Looks pretty happy to me


What!? I’ve never had something stuck in customs for that long but I guess that this includes shipping times.

Same… I might need to look into collecting nationalities or something.

You might be underestimating the human brain’s ability to adapt. I’ve messed with my body map and image using VR to the point of feeling weird in my real life body…

Please turn me into a robot now! Thanks.

Ok, ok… I’ll go back to my lab and keep working on the required technologies.

Yeah I don’t doubt that. But I was referring to lack of stimulation rather than skewed stimulation: many morally dubious experiments - most notably from Mkultra - have shown than sensory deprivation make people go stark raving mad in a matter of hours, and is tantamount to torture.

What I meant was, the human brain can’t be separated from the body, unless you can recreate a complete simulated sensory environment around it to keep it from going dysfunctional in very short order.


Sure, but this wouldn’t be about removing stimulation. For example, you can potentially use the force exerted by the motors, the position of the actuators, etc… for this purpose. Besides, you don’t want to end up in a situation where you crush everything you touch…

At the end of the day, we won’t know for sure until we start getting close to making this a reality but this doesn’t mean that pursuing this is not a worthy endeavor. And that’s even if we end up having to simulate some things, and it only serves a niche within a niche.