Hola a todos ,podrian decirme cual implante me serbiria para guardar mis bitcoin? Gracias
AFAIK you could save a cold wallet on most chips e.g. xNT. Or maybe find a wallet with a VivoKey login, then a Spark2 would work. But what I guess you really want is wait for the VivoKey Apex for a real wallet on the chip.
Gracias por responder , mi intencion es solo poder usarlo como billetera fria ,cual me cerbiria? Gracias
Podria usar (Implante de pago Walletmor ) como billetera fria y guardar mis bitcoin de manera cegura?
Could I use (Walletmor Payment Implant) as a cold wallet and store my bitcoin blindly? Or
Implante xSIID NFC + LED
$ 163.20?
Check out these threads
Intent is for the Apex to have a wallet app on launch for cold wallet. Anything else involves storing a freely readable private key on your NDEF storage - might I recommend at least encrypting it with PBKDF.