Hello world. Introducing myself

Let me guess: Theranos?

Long story short: I struggle to imagine a jolly-good reason. For humans, at least.
And not the chip is the reason, but the reader. :confused:
If you ok to carry around the reader you might as well carry a thermometer with you.
Modern devices take a reading in 3-5 seconds. (Wow!)

For animals, yes!

The chip is useful if you have a lot of animal to look after and you need to monitor temperatures now and then. There is an illness that starts with temperature at early stage, then no symptom, then rapid decline in well-being of the horse. Hovering a device 2x a day over the skin is easier than sticking the thermometer in each of them. …you can imagine.
And those chips are sturdy AF, they can withstand x-hundred kg pressing them against whatever terrain horses roll.

But as I mentioned: I am easy to convince, so @everyone, have a go.

P.S.: The (mis)used categories :world_map: :es: fit well to your introduction topic. :+1: Creative!

Not Theranos, those are big BS, I was referring to a Swedish company. The problem is… Medical fields keep nice and fun gadgets to themselves and for whatever reason the public don’t get to try it. The link below is something similar, don’t know if it’s exactly the same news I saw but pretty similar. I don’t know either if it’s a fake like Theranos or what… But it would make my dreams come true (and my life easier). I currently stab myself in my fingertip to check those parameters from a reader and I hate it.

Yeah about the thermal chips, I just can’t find any good reason to implant them on myself… If I had a medical condition and my temperature was a factor to look out for then yeah, but not the case.

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Heyy, and welcome in the comunity.

If you are interested in glucose monitoring, there is the Abott Freestyle Libre 2. It’s not really a chip so much as a device that sticks on your arm. It’s to be replaced every 14 days (the glucose reductase on the sensor needle is broken down by the body). It’s intended for diabetics, and some models can be read using a smartphone using NFC and an app.

Oximetry would probably be better done with a wearable… and about blood fat/ketones, I have no clue :sweat_smile:

And I think there is at least some interest in this community for a xBT with NFC. Currently it has to be read with a special reader, which makes it quite unpractical.

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No idea where it’s at progress-wise or if it’s still being worked on, but Amal has mentioned in the past a few times that this was being worked on.

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There is also the Eversense CGM implantable for glucose monitoring, but it has to be replaced every 90 days I think.

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Unfortunately it’s a consequence of medical approvals being how they are. It takes years of testing to approve anything for medical use, and a lot of money.

But, without going into too much detail, it’s one of the areas we think will have progress sooner or later.


Would be cool if there was an implantable device that could admit a cartridge the size of an x series with the testing compound… So you can install the device subcutaneously and have a nice entrance for the parts that have to be renewed, that way you don’t need to change it every 14 or 90 days.
I wish I had the knowledge and stuff to invent these stuff, but I just have the imagination :joy::joy:

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Yeah, unfortunately the body is not too keen on having things that stick out of it… See catheter infections if you dare (can be quite gross), and it would require an extreme amount of care, and never properly heal - similar to dermal anchors. At the moment it is just too inpractical, I’m afraid :confused:

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I am Guyshowers and Im glad I finally registered.


Welcome to the forum!



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he aterrizado aqui con la intención de aprender y averiguar después de una semana que chip me compro,ya que hay gran variedad al igual que existen otras webs.
Indeciso al 100%
Contento de ver +Españoles por aqui con experiencia a los que acrivillaré a preguntas, paciencia conmigo…


Bienvenido Josetortosa! Espero que te lo pases bien por aquí y aprendas mucho. Hay un monto nde artículos en la sección #info:wikis que puedes leer, y si no llevas muy bien el inglés siempre puedes traducirlo con un traductor online.
La gente por aquí es muy maja y te ayudaremos en lo que podamos :ok_hand:t3:

Tienes alguna idea de por dónde quieres ir? Que chips te hacen gracia o cual es el uso que quieres darles?


Buenas, la idea inicial era de pagos, que leí en internet, pero aún está desfasado el tema, que solo puedes con iCard en forma prepago, el implante solo dura 3 años y luego hay que quitarselo, van a sacar una versión a 5 años pero aun no está, además de ser bastante grande que asusta un poco.
al curiosear terminé viendo dangerous things, como soy un apasionado de gadgets y cosas raras, estoy indagando bastante sobre estos chips.
Me gusta la comunidad que hay aqui, pero a la vez he visto en otros sitios más chips, tipo en I am a robot.
el VivoKey Spark me atrae pero me da miedo porque está verde.
Me decanto por el que es doble por tener más abanico de posibilidades para accesos y mayor memoria creo.
La cuestión es ponerselo y trastear cuanto más mejor.
Sobre el Vivokey Spark alguna referencia??
Que es lo más curioso que has llegado a hacer con el chip?

Gracias por tu atención.

Hola Jose, de donde eres?
Si tu eres en Europa puedes mirar Walletmor

Vida de cinco anos


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Soy de España, me he dado de alta en iCard, para poder pagar con walletmor, pero 5 años me saben a poco, luego quitarlo es lo que me da miedo.

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La cicatriz de implantación se nota? Es bastante grande el chip.

My Spanish is not good enough to answer that for you very well.

It depends on a few things:
Where you implant it
How quickly you heal
What sort of after care you give it
Exposure to sun

The needle is 5mm diameter, so that is ~ you scar size.

That being said
Like any scar it will fade over time, the longer you have it the less you will see it.

I hope that helps.

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