Hola Jose, de donde eres?
Si tu eres en Europa puedes mirar Walletmor
Vida de cinco anos
Hola Jose, de donde eres?
Si tu eres en Europa puedes mirar Walletmor
Vida de cinco anos
Soy de España, me he dado de alta en iCard, para poder pagar con walletmor, pero 5 años me saben a poco, luego quitarlo es lo que me da miedo.
La cicatriz de implantación se nota? Es bastante grande el chip.
My Spanish is not good enough to answer that for you very well.
It depends on a few things:
Where you implant it
How quickly you heal
What sort of after care you give it
Exposure to sun
The needle is 5mm diameter, so that is ~ you scar size.
That being said
Like any scar it will fade over time, the longer you have it the less you will see it.
I hope that helps.