Help me fit more implants, let’s play some Tetris

Makes perfect sense!
Also with different systems!

Just thought of tossing the thoughts in! ^^

But looks like you’re reaching your Tetris goal then?
Or still waiting for that one LinePiece? :sweat_smile:

Warning: deraily vid:

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Well I got my shipment, minus the payment flex that still needs to be received, tested, and sent for conversion and then received again

I’m back to second guessing a few locations

I’m pretty happy with
Xm1 L1
Xem L2
Xg3 L arm

Really tempted to put the xNT in L3

But then I need to find a new home for the payment

Also L11 seems interesting for the spark

But that leaves payment and a next


Either more in the wrist or consider other hand / arm?

But where in the wrist?

I kinda like the lower spots I pointed out, but I’m concerned about it being too close to arm bones

Further up toward elbow?

@Vicarious can you give some input and insight into your newly designed position 11?

Thinking maybe a next there, with a Xsiid in position 0, should be a decent amount of space in between

How does 11 feel? Have you banged it on anything ?


I know I’m just spamming my own thread at this point, but I’m just going round and round and round in my head

What about the xNT in L5 true knife edge?
Is this ok or terrible?

If there’s nothing else HF nearby (i.e. L4), it could work… what do you want to use it for?

The XNT would be any Hf badge readers I’d run into
(Not a lot but a convenient presentation location)

I just worry about leaning on it and pressing it into bones, but luckily I have a bit more flesh and less bone in that region

And the L4 is LF only so it follows an alternating frequency pattern across my hand nicely

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Is knife edge of your hand good for flex installs?

I hear a lot of people “Saving” this spot for an apex,

But seems like there would be a lot of flex on the implant, is the less of a concern with regular flex than the flexnext?

You’ve said you plan to use this spot a few times I think for a flex… any input that validates it as a flex location?

Flex implants are made to be flexed, the flexNExT was not a typical flex.
Knife edge for Apex Flex 100%

I think it depends on the size of your blade / knife edge, however the form factor makes a big difference.
If you are referring to the FlexNT failures, the antenna construction of the Wedge Flex series ( and FlexMT ) are much more robust.


My plan is to get the Vivokey Apex Flex in my left ( non-dominant ) L5.
I chose to put my Payment implant in my dominant hand R4.5 ( In hindsight I should have gone for R4 ). The reason I chose not to use R5 is that I am more likely to hit things with my Right hand.
I chose these locations for the ease of presenting to readers / terminals.

I actually also think I may be able to do a Wedge Flex in both L5 and L4, we shall see…

Ugh, too many choices and none of them “good”

Sorry if this is a spam thread, I appreciate any input I’ve gotten so far and continue to get, just overthinking and trying to solve a puzzle

I’m meeting with my piercer tomorrow to try to make a plan, every time I think I have a good plan, something changes or someone says posistion xyz might not be a good choice


I’m 99% sure of
Xm1 L1
xEM L2
G3 middle forearm

I’d love to do the xNT in L3, to make a nice clean row of alternating frequencies, but then I wouldn’t know where to put the flex, so the xNT is kind up in the air… potentially bottom outside edge of under side of wrist

The flex I’m thinking L3/L3.5 / L5 / left wrist - forearm
Have an xem in L4, I’m not worried about frequency, but how close can a x series get to a flex?

L5 would be great, less visable scar when it comes out and gets replaced with the hopefully payment approved apex flex, but I’m concerned about resting on the side of my hands and the side of my hand being kinda squishy

Also a consideration would be the side/knife edge of wrist… but then I’m concerned about squishing a flex against an arm bone… or is that ok?
The rules for flex’s are kinda confusing

Thinking L11 or underneath the thumb bone for the nEXT, but it’s a novel location, and I haven’t heard back from vicarious

Thinking inside edge of bottom of wrist for spark 2, would be a convenient location to scan with my phone, but again novel location, but I don’t think I would be putting much pressure there due to my pre existing wrist injury and semi fused wrist

Literally thoughts or suggestions or alternatives?
I’m know I’m being difficult by keeping it all in my left hand, apologies

Kind of weird, but I decided to try to get a sense it any would hurt or feel unpleasant if I leaned on things


Ok, my only thought / concern is - do you have a use for every single one of your planned implants already…? If not, seriously consider whether or not you want to get everything / anything installed now. Remember, there will be more implants in future, and white you can certainly remove / replace implants, the more scar tissue the harder it is.

Why are you installing another NExT and an xNT? You can enroll the same NExT UID in multiple systems… the only case you’d need a 2nd / 3rd is if you are actually storing data - remember it doesn’t have a changeable UID

xEM - do you need a 3rd / 4th T55XX?

Another point - why are you installing a spark? From what’s been vaguely suggested elsewhere, once the apex comes out it’ll basically only be better as a backup login source / profile link system - which a xNT can do, and you can get the backup either by not installing and just keeping it safe, or by putting it somewhere less accessible (since it’s only backup) - iirc someone suggested leg, but there’s also upper arm. Someone else said they keep it in their wallet, and someone designed a 3D printed ring for theirs.

Personally, I wouldn’t install the NExT or xEM, and I’d find a less usable position for the spark 2 (or not get it put in at all).

xG3 sounds good, and I haven’t seen you say anything regarding xM1 but same concern applies - do you already have a use for it, and if so, are you use it’ll work with gen 1a? Remember, some systems detect magic gen 1a

Sadly yea,
I need at least 1 preferably 2 prox, 1 em and 1 indalla

Gun security stuff,
Gym/housing complex
Gun club
Possibly car

The gun safes and car could possibly share the same em key, but then having a spare fob for the car equals a point of access to the safes That’s not desirable

I’d enroll same uid if systems were compatible and those in charge actually would cooperate

Semi same answer for multiple Ntags
Contact sharing
Access to my drive, haven’t decided my server or the cloud
Hf credential

Short answer because I have it, came in a package with other things at a price I couldn’t refuse,
In addition it’s something I’ve wanted to play with for a while

As far as the apex, I won’t plan to pick it up until it is payment certified, which could be a very long time, and as mentioned I already have a spark :man_shrugging:t2:
The apex will be going where the payment flex is when it eventually expires and is replaced

The spark also opens up a few door locks that aren’t compatible with the other array of chips I would have

Realistically, I’d rather have more than I need, so that I have options

Do you have the original Spark?

Sorry spark 2

Yep I see now, I confused the spark with the spark 2
Not really any locks that work with it and not my other stuff
Oh well

Still has, still implanting lol

Which ones?

The Spark is ISO15693
The Spark 2 is ISO14443A, which is the same as your xNT, xM1 etc

Yea I realized as soon as you asked spark vs spark 2