Ok found the sweet spot for my work scanner. However the scanner light turns green but the door doesn’t unlock. If I use the lf hid read command the data matches. I’m using a proxmark 3 easy.
Do you have another HID tag/fob/card that is not authenticated?
If so what happens when you swipe that?
No, I don’t. I was just looking up about HID Prox readers and it looks like they blink green whenever they read a HID prox card. So my guess is that I got my NeXT into HID mode but am missing something.
Me too
If you are happy to share you PM3 Results ( change your UID if you want, just make sure you change the same thing in genuine card and your NExT ) post it here
no problem what commands do I need to use to get u the right info? Im still pretty new to this.
lets just start with a lf search on both your NExT and your work card
ok here is the other weird part. when I use lf search PM3 shows them both as EMs.
Hmmm, See how your numbers don’t match, so that will be your issue.
I am away from my PM3 at the moment so I will be guessing at the commands, I will leave it 15 mins and hope somebody comes online with access to their PM3 or better “off the top of their head” commands.
I’ll check back in 15min
Quick hint an h after a command will give you the command help
Best to wait, but my guess would be
Try your genuine card
lf em 4x50read
then to your NExT to test card
lf em 4x50write
I get different numbers anytime I do a lf search.
SO looks like nobody is online that can help you out at the moment.
Another question for you, did you get a T5577 card with your PM3 Easy?
yes I did I would have to find it. no luck with the em commands. the proxmark is also giving me lf search results when there is not a card presented???
Smells like a client version vs firmware version problem to me.
That would be ideal.
Better than experimenting on your NExT
your other issue sounds like your PM3 is not set up correctly.
Ah, shit, Amal beat me to it, but yeah, agreed
very likely I used that guide and it worked the first time but now for some reason when I try to use proxspace it communicates with my PM3 easy but the only place it prints out info is to the log file for some reason.
If you show a screenshot of the initial screen after starting the pm3 software I believe it shows the hardware and software versions. Then we can help with checking for a mismatch
I’m admittedly not much help with using proxspace and windows but I am surprised you never got a screen that looks like this:
If it were me, I’d go to the link @amal provided and start at the git clone and make the pm3 software again.
Yeah… should be easy to scrub and redo…
ok got that part straightened out. Now Im getting the same info from my NeXT and my Hid Prox card. Also what do I run the next time I want to get to this screen I think my problem before may have been that I was using a shortcut for mys2.
Thats still the same info I was getting before so the reader recognizes the NeXT as hid prox but doesn’t open the door.
With this updated client and firmware to match (you did flash firmware after compiling right?) I would try again to clone it just to be sure