Hmm, I might have to implant my mom

Did anybody else picture Steve Irwin creeping up behind Rosco, prepared to grab him “in the wild” and film his implant?


I’d sting him like that manta ray did :slight_smile:

Not unless he’s now a zombie

And you would need to sting him in the head rather than the chest.

By the way, you do realize I’ll be getting the FlexEM in my butt. You sure you want a film of that?


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sure… are YOU sure?



Is it ok I ship your custom flexNExT directly to Lassi along with the other stuff I’m sending him? I will label it appropriately :slight_smile:

I’d rather you sent it to me because

  • If Lassi doesn’t make it here for any reason, it’ll be stuck 400 mi from here.

  • I want to run some tests with it in its bag - including seeing clearly how I might be able to position 3 coils and shape or channel their RF fields with ferrite or magnets to activate each blinky separately from a distance somehow. But also regularly checking whether it reads properly and if the range changes, to try and detect impending failure before implanting it, like I explained in another thread.

  • My colleagues at work want to see what it looks like. So does my mom in fact. She’s mildly worried I might be getting dementia before she does :slight_smile:

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Yeah I don’t care. It’s just a butt, everybody has one. It’s only my face and my voice I absolutely refuse to have on photos or videos: as far as I know, Big Data hasn’t implanted butt recognition technology yet.

I’ll be implanting it near the base of my spine to be precise. So it’s not like you’ll be watching starfish surgery. But I’m fairly sure I’ll have to drop my kacks for Lassi to work with any sort of hygiene there, so you might see some buttcrack on the movie.


Just HAD to say it out loud, didn’t ya.


Oh gawd… Is there any personal data those fuckers don’t try to collect?

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i was thinking the same thing hahah


Are you referring to my butt, or my pet peeve with Big Data? :slight_smile:

Amal, did you work something out with Lassi re filming by the way? Just wondering if I should bring my Guy Fawkes mask when I go to the piercer’s next Saturday :slight_smile:


Too late to worry about that, you are already out in the public domain :wink:


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If it makes you feel better


You really think that’s my real face do you? :slight_smile:

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The mask is the real face.