@amal Its almost a vivokey commercial. This is the minute 4 mark of my install video
I’d love to make a commercial out of it!
feel free too. I can post a link to the video as well if you want it
Definitely! I’m always interested in installation videos
I’d like to see as well! Can you post the vid here?
Ill get it up when I get home today
Here ya go
Congrats on your new install. Mine is going to happen in two weeks. Btw qq, why did you choose to be set perpendicular instead of parallel to your wrist bones?
I haven’t seen a flex go across the back of the hand like that. Curious to know how you like it!
Reader orientation for the flex class and since I did one that way I did both.
Its not bad I like it personally. It does make for a slower install as you can see from the video Matt had to go slow to keep from catching on the metacarpals. I have worked with my hands most of my life so the skin on the back of them is tough and very tight to the hand not a lot of room there to be jamming a 4 ga needle.
Going parallel with the metacarpals would have gone faster but I really like the way the implant looks on top of them it raises nicely when I flatten my hand giving me an excellent read.
Interesting! I can feel my xG3 when it rolls over one of my ligaments, how does it feel when you move your fingers since it’s sitting on top and across ligaments?
I dont feel them at all. Because they sit on top they don’t move alot when I flex my hand or move my fingers they just glide on top of the metacarpals and move with the skin.
Matt took the time to make sure the pocket was on top of everything in the back of the hand. Anything that could move them or rub the wrong way on the implant all goes under the implant because it is held up by the metacarpals.
It does make it much more noticeable but it is very comfortable.
Awesome to hear! Thanks for the info!
Haha, I gues I should have read THIS thread first