I'm just a fresh man in here, which one should I take for the first purchase?

Hi guys, hope you guys r doing well!
I’m just a new arriver, so what should I take for the first time? There is so many stuff, and I get lost now! @@
The idea is I will be using it to make a payment every day and unlock s10+ and my mac! Any advice can you give for me out there?
Thank you and have a beautiful day!

Payments: (nope)

Android Unlock: (not unless you root the S10…there are some other options)

Mac Unlock:
What to buy as an Apple user? - #5 by JennyMcLane?

As long as you don’t have an existing card or fob that you are trying to clone, the xNT is probably a good start. Allows you to put contact info on it that other people can scan with their phones. If you want a cool, but rather unsecure way to unlock your mac, you can get the Dangerous Things KRB1 reader.

This question is highly subjective so you should see what others have to say as well.

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I have the S8+ and I use: “Smart Pass Lock NFC” I must warn you, the app is a bit tricky,… please set also a passwort just in case.

I use for my macbook air the “KBR1 reader” works perfect

I think the best is getting the NeXT so you have the Low and the High Frequency Tag

Greetings from Austria


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thanks for your comments guys! the thing is im pretty care about the payment cuz i forgot my wallet and my phone a ton of times so its kinda disappointed about it. however, still deeply in to these bad boys.
again thank u guys!