I'm making a game alone and it's hard (but also great)

I tried it and have some feedback.
From a person who has no knowledge but is impressed you can build these things view.

Tutorial Tom.
Said the thing ground control sent was here. So I clicked on the bottom left.
And it was an ad.
And then he said aha here it is. So I clicked again. And it was another ad.
I would have immediately uninstalled the game at this point. If it was a normal game.
Zero play and two ads that seemed like they were snuck in disguised as something else.
Maybe it would have just showed up if I’d waited? I’d doubt players to have more patience than I do, haha. Which isn’t much.

Maybe where it says tap the upgrade button (+) to upgrade your ship you could put a plus sign?
As there’s three choices?

And maybe for the slots you could have a pop-up when you tap on it that tell you their purpose? So you know which ones to get?
And why?

And like pilgrim said maybe more slot potential. Maybe from watching more ads or?

Looks like when you watch ads you get more rocks going by. Or you harvest them quicker. That’s good.
I bought a forge. It seemed like the only think I could buy with the resources I was gathering. But not sure what it does. And the resources from it haven’t shown at the top (yet).

Overall I’d say it’s a bit slow…
So far I’m clicking on rocks as they go by and listening to the annoying thrusters of the astronaut. Haha. And generally being confused.

I’d think that the more info on what you do that you can put right in the game and not on a separate wiki the more likely you’ll engage people to stay?
All just feedback.
No complaints. Just my thoughts while starting it.

And maybe explain the purpose? Of what we’re doing?
Trying to gather resources to stay alive for an extended time in space? Trying to get home?
If they beamed back tom why can’t they just beam back me too? Lol.

Good job!!
I also hope it takes off and you do really well.

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Ouh yeah these are bonuses that are not supposed to show up that early ( forgot to de-activate them during the tutorial) what Tom’s talking about are the resources at the top. This should be fixed in tonight’s update

Yeah I needed to somehow make this clearer… :thinking:

There’s a little progress bar around the slot but maybe I should have a full on timer floating above :thinking:

This is all very helpful! Thank you so much! :pray:

Does it make sense to say in the tutorial that the goal is to “evolve” your space station? Or expand, or upgrade?

Side note for anyone bêta testing, you can fully reset the game by deleting the app’s storage in your phone’s settings and I recommend doing that when a new update arrives.

Also please don’t buy anything while it’s in beta. I’m not sure if you can but just in case, don’t try.

Version 0.5.2 will be out soon (tonight at some point). It addresses all the issues @Pilgrimsmaster and @heliloo mentioned except audio related things and game difficulty/slowness in the early stages (balancing is not really finished)


What about a circular timer? orbiting around the item like a sattelite orbits the earth or A second hand around a clock face. It could be a “simple” comet :man_shrugging:
Not sure how easy it would be to implement though

Loving your idea and attitude :heart_eyes:


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Not too complicated to implement at all actually!

I will prioritize balancing the difficulty and speed of the game for now though :crossed_fingers: then the audio

Excellent. Glad it helped.
Hope you do well.

Does the forge make a resource?
Does that resource get used to buy something else? (honest questions)
If so, likely having the resource at the top of the main screen would be helpful I’d think?

And yes. I’d think saying you’re trying to evolve or upgrade your space station might be a great idea.

I’d go one step further maybe and give an overall idea.

Like? Maybe??
“Well, thanks Tom, for using the last beam back and leaving me here stranded. I’m going to need to upgrade my space station and settle in now”

Or something. To give it more purpose.

Just throwing out ideas.

Good luck!

And like pilgrim was saying, waiting for resources was a long wait.

So maybe either give more. Or give close to enough for the forge (if that’s what you get first) so you just need a little harvesting to get it.

You know 1000% more about the balancing than I do for sure.

But yeah, the wait to get to 20 to get it was long.


New update to Tiny Space Industries!

The tutorial is (hopefully) clearer funnier and gives a direction/goal. Also added in-game descriptions for the modules (“i” icon) thanks @heliloo for the suggestion!

Audio toggle has been added for our favorite @Pilgrimsmaster :wink:

And ship upgrade prices as well as initial resources have been adjusted.

I still need to adjust the production durations for the modules (I feel like they’re a bit slow) and their prices

[For reference this is 0.5.3]


testing now

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I was thinking the third ad-reward bonus would fast foward all current module crafting timers. Would you use that?


I have a comment on your hooome app. But I’ll send you a pm on it. Don’t think it should be shared publicly at this time…

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Load Screen much better

Mute works :partying_face:

AD logo looks good an functions well

zoom still not working


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Yeah I haven’t touched the zoom yet. I think of it as a bonus feature so it’s not a priority, worst case scenario I disable it until I can come back to it. Are you really having issues with it or is it just that it’s not very intuitive?

Works for me too. I usually prefer mute when i game.

I’m guessing you are referring to the screen zoomed in a lot? Sorry I didn’t read above comments too good.

But i had an issue with the screen tilted and zoomed in bad. Update seemed to fix it for me.

Interesting :thinking: whatever it was I did not fix it intentionally

By zoom I assume you’re all talking about the pinch with two fingers mechanic right? It isn’t essential to the gameplay but I thought it would be nice especially when the ship gets MUCH bigger and you want to look at all the little machines. I know it’s not quite right though

I think i might have got it back idk lol…

my issue was when I laid on my bed, it would tilt a little, but mess up the zoom. I can’t see the full screen. I’m not sure if this is intended.

Yeah that’s intended you can sroll left right and tilt the screen with the gyro. Later as you upgrade the ship you will have a lot of things on this screen so it needs to be a horizontal scroll

Ahhhh. Thanks

See I was doing the classical quality control…don’t read instructions just press stuff until you break it :sweat_smile:


You should. First impressions like these are the most useful. When you make a game you stare at it for days to the point where you can’t be objective about it anymore. It gets hard to tell what makes sense and what doesn’t when you’ve been through the tutorial 4 gazillion times :sweat_smile:

[I found some bugs: when upgrading the ship the mute option breaks and modules are paused, the later might become a feature?]

Spoke too soon lol. I noticed mute works for music, but doesn’t mute the airlock noise.

And doesn’t matter too much, but might be visually appealing if when you muted, the icon changed to a speaker with a slash through it.