Is it possible to implant back of hand?

I would like to implant a xSIID LED chip in the center of the back of my hand, but after googling for two days I couldn’t find anybody talking about it.

Are blood veins more of an issue as compare to the webbing between the thumb and forefinger?

Would it be possible to remove later? People have made it sound very simple to remove when it is located in the purlicue, but would it be as simple in the back of the hand?

Is there anything else to consider I havn’t thought of?

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That location is more often used for flex implants, but I imagine an x-series has been done

This might interest you:


I have a xG3 in that position. It’s fine and doesn’t cause any issues. I think it’s roughly of similar size.

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Yes there are risks in the back of the hand, but s professional should be able to mitigate these risks with ease. Don’t self install.


I have a Titan in each hand there. Install was done by Pineapple down in Texas. Highly recommended. Very skilled. Of course, I don’t know where you’re at so he might not work for you.

Here’s an old old post from when I installed.

Damn. It’s been 3 years. Like 3 whole years.



Yep, and removal is simple


This is one of my favorite spot

XSIID between the metacarpals. You can indeed go a bit higher between the metacarpals but the space gets smaller as they get closer together.

A flex os also an option

But it’s not recommended, there’s a lot of bending in that area.


I have a flex in roughly that spot, see Install Videos and Pictures 🩸 - #388 by StarGate01 . For sure requires a professional installer.


My small collection :joy:


I’ll join the chorus here.

I have a xG3 in that very position on my left hand, and I’m about to get an xSIID implanted in the same spot on my right hand. No issues at all. Like others have said, have a professional do the install, a professional piercer or medical professional. I’m lucky to have a nurse friend who has done all of my installs so far. They actually said that the instructions that DT provides are more comprehensive than a lot of nursing procedures they have seen!

Hope you love your implant!

:cyborg: :slight_smile:


Is it possible to implant as position 0 (between thumb and index metacarp) but not on the back of the hand but more from the inside of the palm ?
To scan the chip from the inside not from the back.

This is all really exciting, thank you everybody who responded.

What is left on my mind is how bad is the scar left behind after removal?

It looks comparable to an IV drip, but I’ve never done this before and have no idea.

The idea of separating skin from connective tissue also seems a bit frightening.

I know eventually everything electronic dies, and LED lights have a finite lifespan, so I’m constantly thinking of what it would be like to replace it

For an x-series, there is almost no mark at all after a few months. I can’t see any of my 3 entry points anymore.

The needle is quite a bit larger than an IV drip. For what it’s worth, the two implants I have at P0 on both hands hurt more than the one I have at P1 on the back of my hand.