The first version was implanted a bit deep in the skin. It was OK to read with my old smartphone, and nearly impossible with the new smartphone .
I have since replaced it with a new version (as advised by the BeUno folks) and my piercer implanted it just underneath the skin, 1cm next to the locaiton of the previous implant.
I can really feel it now with my finger and see the bump with the right lighting. I can read it perfectly even with my new crappy phone.
So I guess it should not be implanted too deeply, and the quality of the NFC antenna of the phone matters a lot too.
Yep, shipping is more than the implant itself… sigh.
Dunno if I’m right, but isn’t the xBT LF and should read better through a bit more skin / flesh? Reading (HF) implants with a phone is always a bit annoying from what I experienced, but I hoped that LF + flipper should make things easier… hope I’m not wrong!
And I forgot that it was HF and therefore not easily readable through much skin / body / whatever…
Guess a chicken test™ might be helpful…
Any other concerns about a deeper pectoral install? There is little stuff to be damaged there, enough padding (the muscles) and not too many serious vessels as long as I am not going for the collarbone area… so I guess the idea is not recklessly stupid?
Ironically the verichip IP was sold when the company went out of business and another company is now doing exactly that… putting a transponder into breast implants to ID them. You need special reader hardware to get a read on something that deep though.
shipping is always gonna be pricy - best way is to make the most of it and buy way too many things - the more you get, the lower the shipping feels per item.
i think 12 implants is the sweet spot.
ghouls before yule’s BUT a box from DT makes an amazing stocking stuffer!