LED/glowing microchip?

Don’t get one then. I still want one.

Yeah… no.

The last thing we need is Amal getting embroiled in some court case over the reckless sale of radioactive products - or worse, spending time in the slammer. We need him to make normal, safe implants!


What we need and what I personally want are very different things.
AFAIK the community decided against it, because of the reasons you stated and others.

But I still want (semi)permanent glow, like now, and I believe batteries are way worse currently.

Btw, funny how you say “normal implants”.

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Yes you’re right. Silly thing to say.

What I meant was “implants that are less likely to get Amal into trouble”.

“Regular” implants maybe?


You meant „implants that are a less dangerous thing?“ :skull_and_crossbones: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Something like that :slight_smile:

Re the company name, you can’t fault the man on honesty. In fact, I bet it would be a useful asset in court should it comes to that one day:

“But your Honor, surely the plaintiff should have known what to expect from a company called “Dangerous Things”!”

“Damn right! Case dismissed!”


I got one of the original xGLO when they were on sale, had no issues with mine so far (touch wood) and it’s actually much brighter than I expected once your eyes adjust to the dark!

if you wanted to share any photos, this is the place to do it

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