Lost implant in hand

it’s been some time since I last posted here and also some time since I last scanned my Spark2 chip.
my Spark2 was implanted in 2019 (unsure as to actual date) and it was used mainly to get on the forum to see what was happening . it was last located at R4 and with a slight nudge it would surf and be easily readable with my Samsung S8 using either the Vivokey app or the NFC Tools Pro app. now I can’t physically locate it with rubbing my hand or scan it with my phone or DT KBR reader.
just short of going to my doctor to request an x-ray of my hand i need advice on how to locate this implant and also wondering if anyone else ever had this issue

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Hey buddy, Bummer, it sounds like you have tried the obvious things, how about a neodymium magnet to try and “feel” where it is. You will be able to test on your other implants and see that the :magnet: will just “stick” to your implant.

That :arrow_heading_up: is my best guess at the moment. but something I thought I would put out there for you…:arrow_heading_down:

Do you have access to a wall reader?
They often put out a lot of power.
Any public one you see in the street, use your Diagnostic card to check it is HF if so Probably ISO14443A, with luck you might get a read.
You don’t have to be registered and will hopefully get a :no_entry_sign: but that way you will at least know if it is working.
if so, with some time you might be able to work out an approximation of location. but in reality, it shouldn’t be far from it’s starting point



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I have one there also.

You could try holding a golf ball/paperball/sock or something similar as hard as you can in your hand. It will help “push” the implant to the surface.

My implant there isn’t the easiest to see or feel if you didn’t know it was there. This brings it to the surface



I mean before X-ray, see if you can stick a magnet to the area

It will stick to the ferrite core,

It isn’t exactly great because you can pinch skin or possibly break solder connections but that would be rare


Thanks for the suggestions to grab a ball really tight and then see if its noticable or not. I’m going to go try that later today.
A few here have suggested a magnet but I’m not sure if a magnet would erase the chip or not. I’m hoping for the “or not” aspect of this too

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They haven’t erased mine yet

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Would a magnet not erase the chip in the same way it would if passed over a cellphone??? I don’t want to erase the chip for any reason

Thanks for the update as sock in fist (sock in hand brings up other images of lonely nights… lmao) and magnet are going to be on my techniques to try next

images (14)

I work with High strength neodymium occasionally, and I have never had any problems.

Also stuck smaller ones to my implants with no issue



Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions I located the chip and it has migrated from R4 position to middle of my forearm. That’s a 6 inch (15cm) migration and the second chip that I have implanted that migrated from its original location

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My understanding is that unless your phone memory is stored on floppy disks, your phone is pretty safe too. Your compass won’t point the right way while near the field though.


Glad you found it. May I see a picture of where it went in and where it is please?

I think it would be nice to have it documented someplace on this site.

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“May I see a picture of where it went in and where it is”- sure thing. I’m just getting back home so give me a few minutes and I’ll take some pictures as best as possible

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Wow, thats significant.

How did you locate it?

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@Pilgrimsmaster I actually located it by accident. I was sitting in my car waiting for a text and reading all the earlier replies and suggestions when I pulled up my sleeve and started scanning for it around my wrist using the NFC Pro app. My phone first passed my NeXT chip and then got bumped and passed over it. I thought that it was my next making the reading from an odd distance and so I rechecked my entire arm and found it.

Forgive me for my original guess of 6 inches (15cm) migration travel

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Haha, don’t apologise to us, it’s your Mrs you should be apologising to :straight_ruler:


can anyone suggest a method just short of a tourniquet to stop the chip from migrating to my elbow