M31 revival? Not yet, just letting you know though

That’s all the confirmation I need. I’m in for sure now.

RE, Timeframe:
It’s basically the beginning of September now. November and December can be financially tight for a lot of people trying to go big for Christmas. Might be best to avoid that if we can, still alot is gonna be dependent on the manufaturer. I doubt they’ll want an on again / off again commitment. We’ll need to strike while the iron is hot. Also a short timeframe is probably ideal, but we’ll need time to spread the word. Lot’s of self conflicting ideals here. Also, I gotta gather money that I wasn’t planning on.

RE, Nomenclature:
Can we please not call them all M31’s? Maybe the polymers can be M31p’s, and the titanium ones M31t’s. Or if the titanium magnets are 3mm, then I like “Tritanium”. Mostly though, I wan’t to avoid a constant confusion between the different styles.

RE, R&D:
I’d definitely keep looking into the poly magnets. First, it’ll let you move the back stock of M31’s and recover some funding. Second, the Tritanium® will likely not be available long, so the Poly becomes the fall back for everyone who misses the Tritanium® boat. I might even want to have multiple types, some for fingertips, others for arms, etc.

I’m definitely down. The number depends on time and fundraising. 85% chance I can swing two in relatively short order. Maybe 20% chance I can do more.

Amal, you may want to consider not giving in to incessant nagging in the future, we’ll only want more. :crazy_face:

Also, sorry if I sicced everyone on ya. But you did kinda chum the waters with your fancy magnet talk.