Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

Haha, the problem with that is, Fresh water, As far as I am aware, there are no fresh water whales, and I can only think of a few species of river dolphins.

I have seen orca dicks, and I guess they are similar to whales.
I can see the resemblance to Nessie…But if that’s what he looks like, no wonder he stays hidden


You haven’t seen the fat innkeeper worm then.

One of the best explanations I have seen for Nessie revolves around the fact that creatures are only seen in Scottish lochs with pine forests on their banks (Nessie is just the most famous.)

The idea being that pine trees fall into the loch, and sink and start to decompose, but the pitch traps the decomposition gases, and when they become sufficient, the log rises to the surface, and usually shoots across the surface before the bubble bursts and they fall back to the bottom.



And for good measure here too :smiling_imp:



I am in contact with someone who has a pet with an RFID implant in them. They would like to get it removed. The previous owner thinks it somehow moved. Is there are sure way to find the location of the implant and remove it? If not how can I disable it?

Sorry, I am new to this and I understand I will have to do a lot of reading on this subject. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

Thank you,

Why would you like it removed or disabled?

This sounds like an intro to another thread

Typically vets just change the database to have new owner info

Finding could be tricky because pets skin is looser
Also true pet chips often have antimirgration coating so it attaches to the tissue a lot more, and might not pop free like human implants

The biggest question is why would you want to do this?

  • The animal cannot be tracked with it!
  • You are causing undue stress and pain to the animal!
  • You are risking infections to the the animal by creating a wound.

The only reasons to remove a microchip are:

  • The animal dies and the owner wants to implant the pets chip in themselves. (Not reccomended, but one of our forum members did that)

  • The area is infected

  • The implant is broken

  • The pet was stolen and they are going to be rechipped (or simply removed )

There is a standardised microchip location for pets (Well, there is in my country)

Just forward of the shoulder blades on or near the centreline of its back and Parallel or oblique to the spine.

There are “special” readers, but all vets should have access to one of these, and if you really want to remove it, it should be done by a Vet.
But in saying that. a vet should not be doing such a procedure for the reasons stated above.

My gut feeling is one one of the following:

  • you and your “friend” have a misunderstanding about the capability of the technology and think the chips can be used for tracking They cannot

  • You and your “friend” believe you have been implanted against your will

  • Or the pet has been stolen, …


Please forgive me for my ignorant lack understanding. Your assumption is correct, we’re dealing with a victim, not a pet. Victim in question was severely abused, and noticed that the abusers house had an RFID implant kit one day. When the victim showed me the kit, I was lead here. I am not sure what to think. Is it schizophrenia or an neural implant of some sort. Frequently visiting victims home with gang members on a daily basis remotely inducing pain. This is done to extort the victim to come back to abuser. Victim believes abuser installed after drugging victim. The really strange part is that a lot of other people are having consistently the same symptoms as I read up on this.

While I believe the RFID implants are being used by “suspect” to open doors and activate certain devices with a electromechanical switch (relay) programmed to the RFID. After coming here and reading up on bio hacking I was wondering if someone here knew of something being on the market being used to track or induce shocks on a victim when needed via app on phone. Maybe a neural implant or something being used by organized crime and human trafficking. The victims abuser was friends with a brain surgeon at a local hospital.

I don’t think the product is what was put into the victim, rather something else at one point. And I am not sure if this is something that is being used or the victim is just severely psychologically traumatized.

There are no batteries that would allow implants to function as you describe. The idea that there is battery technology so much more advanced that haven’t leaked anywhere is pretty much impossible.

As for your own health I would suggest visiting psychologist or psychiatrist talk to them about your feelings and ideas and they will be able to show you different view on everything you are currently assuming is caused by implantable technology that isn’t available.

Don’t you think that if there was technology for neural integration with technology we would be first to have it installed? Yet we are here waiting and playing with implantable LED blinkies and close range communication chips.

For some more detailed informations take a look here.


You need locks that accept RFID tags as keys.

On a side note, if a victim of an abusive group is having their home invaded or messed with, I suggest changing the locks and installing an alarm. However, it’s more likely that the abuser(s) have a copy of the keys instead of a chip.

The current technology is not advanced enough to track people or create said symptoms.

However, there was a case in which a human trafficking victim was implanted with a pet chip and told that it was going to be used to track her. But it must be noted that tracking implants don’t exist and this was an attempt at fear based manipulation.

In any case, high control groups are nasty and getting people to leave them is hard. I recommend reading this book on the subject:

I know that the title can sound a bit woo woo but it’s a really good psychology book that’s grounded in reality.

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aaaaaannnndd there it is.


Called it



No known RFID chips can do the things that various people claim for them.

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OK, Now we are getting somewhere.

Is the victim actually you? or somebody else?

There is only so much we can do to help, but we just need honesty, so we can best help you.

Also @Whitebird308 Have a read of this thread you are now in, there will be many answers offerd for your questions…

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Just to jump in for a second, amidst the crazy. Unless the chips changed in the past 20 years, because my old Boston Terrier was chipped by the vet. When he was a puppy, it was where it should be, between the shoulder blades. After a few years, it migrated down onto his front right shoulder. It was smack dab in the middle between the top of his back and elbow. After that, it slowly moved closer to his chest over the next 10 years or so.

You are sort of incorrect. There is a way to track objects/humans by correlating data from multiple source where in-body chip can be used as exact or near exact positioning module. However, if there is any sort of credible suspicion that someone had such chip installed, chip is one of their last problems:)

Referring to self. Rarely when describing environment changes, third party would use words such as “noticed”, its mostly first person pov. Mentioning sever psychological abuse and “RIFD kit” is denial. Likely sever physical abuse was present. Referring to human as a pet is distancing and multiple corrections with extensive apologies is probably self-blame.


I call BS. Yes, an RFID reader capable of reading a chip could be used to give an almost exact position of the chip, and thus the person. But you need a lot of very powerful RFID readers, just to cover one room. Cameras can cover a much larger area, just as accurately and at a much lower cost. RFID is not a practical way to track anybody, beyond using it as an access control system, and noting ingress and egress times from a secure area, and that requires the active participation of the person.


Phones are better trackers than access control systems for that matter. And Google can record a person’s location history so it’s worth checking those privacy settings and account passwords if there are concerns of physical harm. Apple might have a similar set of features so the same advice applies to fruit phones. Checking phones for malware is also a good idea.

Another thing worth mentioning is that lack of sleep can lead to hallucinations and other symptoms.


That is incorrect, there is no way to track a person using an implanted RFID device.

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Yes, you are correct. My bad for not being precise. RFID chips no.