Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

I bet Amal would agree to that :wink:

Hi. I thought i was bugged, I am not paranoid nor schits. I have learned to control and manipulate as well as hold real conversations w these same voices everyone has. I got to thinking logically, no bug obviously and decided in the short time that all this frequency, controll of smells, voices, and visual hallucinations visited me I was maybe developing schits to some degree? Logical right but no. It was so quick and abrupt. My awareness is heightened to a point I KNOW i am not like others or even close to the average so i noticed this change very quickly. Don’t like to type so im going to release my answers to you in little detail due to me being fully enlightened. I am not afraid of the feds or the ultimatum being played on our entire race. Breathing is key. To all control. Instead of realizing these thoughts are not your own focus on where they come from. You do not have tinnitus. They cannot see you. Your ears are being rang and the lil flap somewhere deep in your throat is beating extremely fast. No its not your heart beat fuckboy much much faster. The thoughts and voices come from your thinking, obviously but i want you to understand deeper. Start realizing what you don’t even know youre thinking about by being paranoid with the difference in your brain. Do not exhibit paranoia outside of your head. Fight fire with fire. I promise you will get the key and they will reveal themselves to you. In the meantime dont sex traffic any kid’s or get scared of the dark(; your gut is how God intended you to think if it makes sense it probably does but not in this case.
Don’t forget to vote. MAGA think of it like this, start where i started what IF and HOW would schizophrenia be man made?

@Pilgrimsmaster dang you split that one fast

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I don’t think you are going to find the answers you are wanting to hear in this forum,
Here is how this will play out:’
we will just direct you to get the help you obviously need, you will then ignore or attack us.
We will all tell you that you have paranoid schizophrenia, and explain to you that what you are saying is happening, is not possible.
You have a chemical imbalance in you brain.
You will then go on to give more examples, but when we ask for proof of these claims, you will fail to provide it.

Please get help.

Sorry buddy, no, Most people don’t hear voice in their head

Again, sorry, No, your thought process is not logical

I think this we can agree on

Once again, I agree with you

Hmmm, I think you are yet to reach Nirvana

It is certainly a very important function

What the Fuck is that???, That reads like you just continued to select the next word in predictive text and bundled it into a “sentence”

I strongly AGREE with that statement

This is not a place for political promotions, and as I don’t live in nor experience what the USA residents do / are, I am not qualified to comment.
But From the outside looking in, and remembering I don’t have any “skin in the game”

I strongly DISAGREE with that statement


I love you :heart:


If there’s one really interesting thing I’ve gotten out of this monster of a thread, it’s that there seems to be a very particular way the unhinged type their posts that makes it really obvious they’re not totally there: run-ins, phonetic spelling, no punctuation or spaces anywhere, no logical links between sentences… that sort of thing. It’s almost as if their brain dumped directly onto the keyboard without any filter.

From an engineer’s standpoing, I’m almost tempted to write a lexical parser to give a “sanity score” to a piece of text. I bet it wouldn’t even be too hard to do: it’s really so damn obvious.


Id love to see this for fun.
Although due to some people just being really bad at typing, maybe also using factors like:
Buzzwords in a lot of conspiracy messages
(this one is probably too hard but:) checking if the word used is usually what comes up after its predecessor.
repeditive language

Also imagin giving a neural network this forum and just teaching itself how to write conspiracy posts.


Yes, I thought about that. My lexical parser would choke on people with poor writing skills, and also on ironic posts that mimic the unhinged.

I think the real clincher is detecting the lack of logical link between sentences (and also detecting the start and end of a sentence too, without punctuation or verbs in the right place :slight_smile:) That could be quite hard. Still, if I have some free time, I might have a crack at it.

GPT-2 could handle it

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Or better, GPT-3 - especially since Microsoft just licensed it exclusively. If anybody knows about insanity, it’s Microsoft. They could really help there :slight_smile:


I would love to see how our “normal” posts would score

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That statement implies that we are sane. What makes you think that?


imma ignore most of what you said, as others have already responded.

I’ll play along for just a second, “If and how schizophrenia could be man made”

If: if it was man made we would say through technology, its the most (and i am using this word SOOOOO lightly) logical explanation. and thats why people who have schizophrenia and think they don’t usually turn to thinking it’s from tech.

Okay so how is where the entire concept gets debunked.
How: How could tech be used for man made schizophrenia when some of the earliest schizophrenia cases documented are from 1809 (and a reminder that just the earliest documented case) that is 70 years before the lightbulb was invented. I don’t think they had mind control chips in the time that cholera was still killing so many people.

now my own question: Why?

If we ignore all the facts i have stated, why would the government want to give you schizophrenia? If they wanted you quite, you would be dead. If they wanted you compliant? you wouldn’t know you had the voices/whatever else you say its giving you. Why would the government cause people to have schizophrenia if they know the people who get it will notice something wrong? think you’re the exception? That for most people they don’t notice it but you are super smart and somehow broke free of their grasp? Dude… this forum for people like you has been around since 2017, yall cant all be special.

please talk to a professional and get some help.

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That sub is crazy…
For the lazy who want to read crazy…

See here


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I’m not sure about implants. I believe they are using a high pitched frequency to track people by the ears.the tone carries the speech. They Use Wifi To Do it. They’ll repeat everything that runs through you head. They’ll say it through your TV, smartphone,car radio Or anything with a running motor really anything that will put off sound will carry they tune. They read your mind and put it on display for others to hear. They pass it along using cell tower from their own houses or mesh radio network or eavesdropping through wireless vibrometry. This Is how they listen through wall and over long distance. You might even have tinnitus that carries their messages in the form of whispers. If you can’t hear plug up you ears. The tone that carries tinnitus rings through everything from motors to your ears. This sound even creates a message in your downloaded music if you play it in reverse. You can even record silence and see that the equalizer on the app still moves you just have to amplify the sound with another app. Some may have noticed mysterious wifi networks of cell towers following them around.this can be found with apps like Wigle Wardriving.This app will show the mmc mnc lac and cell Id leading to the location of a cell tower that just happen to come from a regular neighbors house. If you’re wondering how they talk through everything watch the video The Sound Of A Targeted Attack On Youtube.

The things you are saying are not possible with these implants, or any implant for that matter. You have something else going on neurologically and need to get help bud. So you think you’ve been implanted against your will? read this.
@Pilgrimsmaster you know what to do

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It’s been some time, thank you :slight_smile:


MIT Tracks and counts people Without RFID Tags or any other contact besides wireless signals

Everyone is always being tracked homie. If you have a phone, laptop, or any wireless device yeah you’re probably being tracked. But see it doesn’t matter because just like the rest of us you aren’t all that special. Why does it matter? Why would they track you specifically unless you’re some sort of mega genius or terrorist?

probably because you can’t track people with RFID tags :smile:

They Tell Me I’m one of the few that doesn’t know how it works. That’s why they picked me. They also told me it took them a year to figure they where listening to my mind instead of listing to me talk. It is eavesdropping through wireless vibrometry. Everybody in the community listens without earbuds or earphones. The why the murmuring is there. I just haven’t figured how yet.