I’m not trying to be rude or snarky in this reply. I genuinely just want to help.
If the tech exists, we’re totally oblivious to it. The entire reason for this thread is to try to help people who think they’ve been implanted against their will. Why would we create a thread meant to help, then actively harm you by “covering up the technology”?
We can’t explain it because there is no explination. The technology needed to make this happen doesn’t physically exist. How can a single chip control entirely unrelated parts of your body without being connected physically to those parts? I’m being serious: if you can prove that this exists, you’ll be seen as a hero, and will also give us the knowledge needed to help everyone else in this thread. If you have proof and won’t share it, you’re actively causing everyone else here pain, and causing their situations to worsen.
I’m open to having my opinion changed! I want this tech to be possible. I want to be able to implant it myself.
That’s just to keep other topics from being completely derailed. It’s frustrating when we’re talking about one thing, and someone jumps in with something completely irrelevant. That’s true for anything, not just people who think their chipped. That’s also why we have the anti-derailment thread. We’re also not trying to just excuse people as conspiracy theorists. Like I said earlier, we’re genuinely trying to help.
We don’t, and we aren’t. There’s been close to a thousand replies to this topic, and not a single one provides genuine proof of your claims. Please, give us the knowledge we need to help you! I promise that I’ll do my very best to help if I know what I’m dealing with. You have my word on that.
Remember that the easiest answer is usually the correct one. The people that think they’ve been chipped against their will are an incredibly small portion of thet population. A percent of a perceent. It’s not a stretch to say that almost all of them are lying or have some other issue.
I’ll end with this: please, provide actual valid evidence. It doesn’t even have to be a scientific paper, just an xray will do. If we can validate that your claims are genuine, we’ll be able to help you. Until then though, all we can do is just give you the same answers that you’ve heard a million times before. We’re not trying to cover anything up, we just know that the tech isn’t possible yet. If you have proof of these claims being valid, you’re directly causing other people pain by not sharing it. We will help you if we know how to. Please give us the information needed to help.