Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

Well, they do say the UK is the 51st state after all :slight_smile:

Yeah… many times… considering it really hard right now…


Deciding factor = Election results?
And the rest of the menagerie

Amal, have you ever thought about Politics?
I just found you a party

The party’s platform is based on the ideas and principles of transhumanist politics, i.e., human enhancement, human rights, science, life extension, and technological progress.

Australia chipping in - The only “negative” reaction I’ve had so far was a couple people being grossed out that I have something under my skin. And shuddering when I let them poke it.

Other than that most people either think its either cool, or more of a “you do you” type of thing.

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no not really actually… though it is weighing heavy on my mind what might happen over the next few months… it’s more a tension that’s been growing as people become more and more focused on their subjective perspectives about reality itself such that it overrides simple objective thinking. Reasons why this is happening are legion, and complex, and grounds for hot debate… but I’m growing tired of debating. I want to just do my thing and not worry that my government isn’t going to forsake my family’s already precarious health coverage (thanks Obama!), or kick us to the curb when a global pandemic comes to our doorstep, or tank the economy because, ironically, they are so worried about the economy tanking they avoid fast immediate lockdown where we just hold our breath for a short while and instead, promote a slow strangulation plan that guarantees mass deaths and economic destruction.

As a self-employed person who’s family is literally living day to day off the very people who are reading this post and their hopes and dreams for a better humanity (or maybe just some cool upgrades), basically I just want to be free (and able) to actually pursue the American Dream … and I’m sad that I may actually have to do that from within another country. (I hear you @anon3825968… I’m not hatin on 'murica… I’m just facing facts).

yeah I have been flirting with the idea… but again… sad that we’re locked into this two party system where new parties have no future and no hope… and must try to infiltrate and essentially internally corrupt one of the two parties we have here… which is not the way to go about anything really… the chaos that breeds within a party destroys the actually honorable components of each, and leaves gaps and holes for self-interest and alternate agendas that ultimately turn both parties into just two terrible evils… a dichotomy… a house divided.

Anyway… strange thread to be having this conversation in, but I feel like somehow it’s fitting… because this has all just been a bit too crazy the last few years.


Ahhh, Sorry 'bout that

giphy (25)


I don’t hate nobody. But unlike cats, I only have one life, and one chance at making myself and my family happy, and it just can’t happen in the US. The country is too brutal, too callous, too stressful to live a long and peaceful life there. I’d rather live out my days where society cares for its brethren, where one generation cares about educating the next, even if I have to pay taxes through the nose. The net result in the long run is peace and human progress, and that’s worth paying for. Sadly, for the sake of maintaining the Horatio Alger myth, the US chooses to head in neither of those directions. Hell of a price to pay…

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I’ve been keeping a very close eye on the USTP over the last year. I participated in their presidential candidate elections. After some frankly sham debates, they selected a libertarian life-extension nutjob. They later dismissed him because of a variety of reasons including leading an authoritarian hate group and falsely associating it with Transhumanism, and then proceeded to crown a successor that wasn’t in the election, despite the huge deal they made about their ranked choice voting system.

The USTP seems to be dominated by life extension people. They can’t shake it. I can’t help but feel that, beyond the noble FAQ pages, their actual ideals do not align with those of the vast majority of this community. Find out for yourself.


I would like an armor upgrade this meat armor is too fragile.


Ok heres an idea. So just saw an article about the island of sark, they have a population of 500 trying to double it, its time for a transhuman nation lol. In all seriousness this country is getting crazier and crazier, I really have been thinking about getting out of this place I’m unemployed right now and my wife hates her job more and more each day. A tiny island that can survive covid and the zombie apocalypse sounds perfect.

I’m happily living outside of the US, so I don’t think that I can ever fully (or at all) understand what’s going on over there, but it still makes me kinda sad.
I read a lot about people, intelligent people, alternative people, whatever, who consider leaving america, and I can understand it really well… I think I could not live there, to be honest. But that gets me thinking - if all those interesting, free-minded nonconformists decide to go somewhere where they can have a better life… what’s remaining? What happens to the US if everybody who is against all that insanity going on there just leaves? Is there any chance to actually change something in the US or is that kinda “fighting the windmills”?

That’s been happening more. The “brain-drain” from countries in conflict is real. We’ve just been on the receiving end for years. I’ve read some articles about that being a huge issue in war torn 3rd world countries and it causing tons more issues even after all conflict is over. Imagine trying to rebuild a system with a portion of your best specialists gone.

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I feel that people in the US don’t realize the power of other houses.

Read this, keeping it neutral, this is how things get done in this country. Not from one man.

I am just getting at, there is more than just one person in charge.


Or change the system. Yes, that’s a damned big problem… on the other hand, I can absolutely understand everyone who decides not to live in a country where his live is in danger, where he can’t speak freely or has no chance to make a living. So, big respect to those who stay and try to change something, and big understanding to those who decide to find a better life elsewhere…

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I’m really hopeful that the next generation of politicians will be somewhat better. Most of the politicians that are making things worse for the country are getting old and decrepit. I’m hoping, as awful as this is to say, that they’ll pass on and a new generation of more “aware” politicians will take over and hopefully bring on some better change for the country.

Although, that’s a lot of hoping, and not much to support it. Who really knows what’ll really happen.

I live in CA, been wanting to move out the country for awhile now. I totally feel you there too. Thinking about somewhere in Europe. Maybe the UK. I’d love to drive around a classic mini cooper there. My favorite cars.

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I highly doubt that. The last half-decent POTUS imho was Jimmy Carter, and he wasn’t much to write home about.

As long as it takes gigabucks and the official nomination of one of the two current parties, you can be 200% sure you’ll always get crooked unprincipled rich fucks as prez. If would take a fundamental change of the system, and it’ll never happen because Americans have been brainwashed from an early age into believing the constitution is a sacred text that can’t be modified.

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I have know since I was a child it can happen.

When I became an adult is when I realized why it likely won’t happen in my life.

Honestly this confuses me that the US Constitution can be so easily modified. Here, it’s a vote by the people. Its expensive.

Wishing the US all the best in that case - but in germany, I see quite a lot of young(ish) people and politicians with very conservative views…
I always thought that was a problem of the “older generation”, but at least here, it doesn’t look like that - I work together with people who are in their early 20s, and they are so conservative and boring and “old” in their mindset, that I’m really worried about the generations to come… and that applies to politicians as well, I’m afraid…


I saw it o tiktok - got many “Mark of the Beast” responses from bible - most of them (hopefully fake accounts) - kids about 13 - 15 years old. They must have very fanatic parents. This kids are from Germany or Austria, maybe also Switzerland - they write in German. Kids who read in the bible… WHY…
At school - I was also about 13, 14 in this age, we must read in the bible - also homework - I never did it. We have 2 or 3 in the class who liked it - so they raise always their hands. I was often painting pictures - just ignoring it. I got my 4 it was ok for me,… The priest wasn’T allowed to give us a 5.
It was so boring …