oh, if google was more biased towards gore I’d suggest look up nullification
It’s a bit strange, yes…
But I’ve seen people removing nipples or navels because they were disturbing a tattoo… so, might be a valid reason
Other people remove their ears, noses or parts of their fingers, simply because they like the aesthetic of that. I don’t, but I’m fine with everything^^
I’m not! I stand for my point:
Medical point of view, leaving moral to the parents. see my equation
How to expect people to uprate the reputation of cyborg if we can’t get to a consent about basics, even if we say 18+. !!! The Kaspersky lab pointed out the people in the UK are morons, because they were biassed by the brainwash clickbait of the media. Therefore you hear comment about the mark of the beast and what not… I started to go around circles
and that’s that!
I mean, Australia is still dealing with an artist who was doing labia removal for Body Mod Art. It sounds like a thing.
Did you guys know, that according to a fresh survey
77% of the UK would prefer if human augmentation was regulated by the government?
I think I can reply now, my options are wait 1-1.5years then self-install, or wait 5 years and get it professionally done. What do you guys think?(next implant)
I summarised my opinion in this post.
Self implant? Maybe you will spend the next year practicing, researching, consulting with others… so you gain skills needed for self-implant. Despite all that, I suggest against the following:
You actually
would need to practice, especially doing it with one hand. Please be sensible and get an expert to do it for you if you decide to get implanted anyways!
I will try to get as much practice as possible if self installing. of course, my body may not be ready in a year, but i’m pretty certain that it would be impossible to get a professional to do it. I will continue to research and possibly make several practice runs before doing the actual thing. anyways, right now I will focus on making devices I can use when I get the implant.
any other thoughts?
My god, a 13 year old that actually understands the risks and takes this into consideration, then does research. What an improvement from our other youngun.
I know for a fact some piercing shops are more lenient than others, but I doubt anyone’s going to work on someone under 16.
Self-installs are… unpleasant, to say the least. The pain numbing cream would be worth having.
thanks, what numbing cream would you recommend? I’m comfortable with needles, but the pain is what usually gets me, i’m quite sensitive in that way. as stated above, I will probbably wait 1-1.5 yrs because I cannot get a job yet to fund anything. i also need my hand to grow quite a bit before i’m comfortable with implanting.
DT sells a numbing gel and also there are a few Aussie brands I believe that have lidocaine
can you please link to the specific gel i should buy? I’m thinking the elma patch but I don’t know. I don’t think that any drug store would sell lidocane, but I might be able to get dr numb, a similar cream but not in a patch. I probbably wont be able to import it because it is a conrolled substance.
you would be surprised what can you buy from ebay…
Not quite in Australia, but Brisbane Compounding Pharmacy is known to sell custom made gels and creams to biohackers.
Some suggested me to get anal lube as a source of lidocaine. Adult stores also sell throat sprays for pleasures at the other end.
Edit: Sure! Availability must be different in AUS.
dude, im a kid, wont sell to me there
it was a joke, the numbing spray isn’t very effective.
you can get 5% numbing gel over the counter in Australia.
You can get 10% by request as fragger mentioned