Modified - a thread for everything bodmod-related

That is sad indeed… :sob:


I feel you! XD

I hated them on other pierciengs, though…
Think growing up with rhinitis messed up any Ideas around nose piercings I could’ve had!

yeah, the middle of the skin needs time to sink back in!

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They set up a mastodon instance, I’m currently figuring out how that all works - I’m not that much into social media :wink:
But I already saw some wonderful suspension videos from the early 2000s there… badly lit industrial warehouses, lots of interesting people, great music in the background and terrible video quality :smile: I wish stuff like that would still take place.

I’m currently thinking about getting two high nostrils and attaching a thin, flat titanium “strip” to them that sits across my nose, similar to this thing here, just a bit thinner and higher up the nose…

But I’m still a bit unsure about the high nostrils themselves - I imagine the “inside” part of the piercing to be pretty uncomfortable. Dunno. Gonna talk about that with my piercer when festival season is over (or, if I’m impatient enough, before it starts :smile: )

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I’m pretty sure that you guys created this thread to tempt me into getting a lot of bodymods in one go… I like how that looks.

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Come to the dark side, we have… unicorns?


Iirc I wanted to see more skin and adult oriented mods - so I creepily asked people to show me the goods.

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yep, you did



That would look AMAZING!!! :star_struck:

I always loved bridging nose mods!! :purple_heart:

Yes and no…
It’s a pain in the ass to make it, but once settled and healed, you kinda no longer feel it.

Coming from someone who’s shameless, I doubt this is the forum for it.

BME… even on a chainmail forum… yep!
But here the focus shifts too far from that to the point I would feel like sending an unsolicited deck pick by posting anything with “too much skin” here.

even being on a specific thread for it we would probably push some great people away just to please a couple lurkers… not worth it.

Or, looking from another angle…
Happy with Bloodplay. it’s a cool fetish and all. could even star in a porn out of that myself. But…
Would not be happy to promote install videos as porn.

There’s a distinction there for a good reason.

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How did I miss that thread before? It’s full of great explanations, especially from @JPlowman

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I pretty much agree…
Like I said in the linked thread, I think there is little difference between seeing a random intimate piercing somewhere on the web and seeing my intimate piercing - if someone doesn’t know at all what some piercing looks like, they can google it and fine.
But if people put thought into their piercings, like, the way they placed them, the special jewelry they wear, thought about what other piercings might be fitting to a setup and all that, I think that’s what fits into this forum pretty well (considering the whole thread itself is a derail :wink: ). Like, for example, your ear piercings with the story they tell. This is stuff I like a lot :slight_smile:
Or things like healing times and all that, how things develop, just spreading some knowledge - this is all really good stuff and doesn’t need many (explicit^^) pictures.

Agree again :slight_smile:

That’s always a very thin line… I’m thinking about the “ritual cutting” topic on bme, which was pretty much anything from wonderful bloodplay to self-harm. As someone not personally knowing the people involved, it felt very strange sometimes not to have a clue if the setting was actually a happy / erotic one or rather one of intense emotional pain.


Okay, the pain in the ass is a problem for my piercer and not so much for me, so I guess I’m gonna get to see him soon :smile:

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Very true!

But then again, the “juicy pics” will tend to fall off on relevancy and just the story and talks about reasoning and experience would be good enough.


It’s still a pain in the ass while it heals. but you can sure pull it off! :grin:

Curious about that result! :star_struck:

And talking about future projects…

Now that I’ve reached 17 piercings on the left ear, Thinking about retaking the right ear project! :sweat_smile:

Maybe an industrial Snug… :thinking:

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And I want to have less skin and more metal… And that’s why individually is awesome.


Not mine but I love it!

Found on Reddit : Reddit - Dive into anything

The artist is based in Stuttgart, @Coma :wink:


We’ll see :slight_smile:
But I think I’m gonna get it done after the festival in june, because putting heavy make up on a fresh piercing might be a bad idea :wink:

Ohhhh, this souns interesting as well! Be sure to share some pictures and ideas - snug industrial sounds cool, really curious about it :slight_smile:

Definitely a cool design and technically well done, but too much “machinery” for me personally - but maybe the perfect tattoo for @enginerd ? :smile:


Not enough machinery for me, I’d want to expand it to all ten fingers and make look more mechanical.

While not a hand, it’s the type of artwork that I’d like to have on my skin:


Aside from my implants I’ve done a lot of diy body modding with stick and poke tattoos. I do have 3 that were done in shops, but the other 24(?) are done by me. They’re all fairly spontaneous stuff that I decided on shortly before I actually did the work. Among them I have a skateboarding possum, one of these “ :writing_hand:” upside down, a butter knife, and the mark of the whore of Babylon from the Binding of Isaac.


3 month birthday of my little glowy star, so I thought I’d give a little update - in daylight, it’s still not fully visible, at least not as a star, but it’s there :wink:

In the dark (or charged with UV light), it’s really nice by now:

Looks like there is a little vein or such running across it.


an hour of drawing and five quite brutal hours of being repeatedly stabbed, i have an incomplete arm!


Some places must have hurt :smirk:

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I have over a thousand hours into that game. I am obsessed:)


How’s your finger star going Glowing?

also happy 3 year Anniversary of your power button