NFC antenna amplifier/Resonance Circuit project

The coils are orphaned from old rfid tags. Shoot me your address in a dm and I’ll send a PCb out to you


Quick Explaination of this PCB, and how i used it to tune some of these tiny NFC antennas for my use.


I wish I had those when making your range extenders @invalid_signal :rofl: it would have made things easier and cleaner. Although you get the extra thickness of the pcb…

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Fr4 PCB isn’t that thick

But the flex… oh boy she is skinny

For those wondering that is 15x my Patience for my wife’s spending habits


I didn’t realize these were flexes. That would have worked. I think @invalid_signal wnated to cast them in flexible phone cases.
Mine had the smd cap directly soldered to the wire

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Yeah that was what i did before but man, i think im just too old to try to be that steady with my soldering. I need like 30 helping hands now a days… Or, i just oder PCB’s slop on the solder paste and let the hotplate do the lifting


These look cool! Nicely done!

I’m almost done moving into my new apartment. Hopefully I’ll be able to get my work station set up before the end of the month. Life’s just been so busy!

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I very much want one,
I can shoot you address, or if you ever want to meet up with a fellow troll for drinks or hang out

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shoot me your address… The second spawn has impacted my drinking significantly.


Ive sent out about 2 dozen of these so far and i have to say, i am really dissapointed with the lack of cookies that are popping up in this thread…


That’s totally fair. Just wanted to say thanks for sending some to me! Works been really busy so I haven’t had time for personal projects (“life”), hopefully will turn my attention back to it this week

Very cool progress.


You are a fucken legend

Maybe even a fucking legend, but i’ll have to check with your wife :smirk:

Look what arrived


They work GRRREAT!



I can confirm, they are wafer thin


I have some spare and they will be making their way into some projects

I’ll do some measured testing, but for the moment I will say the range increases I am seeing are AT LEAST double that than without it.

If you are struggling to read your implants, I would strongly recommend you get yourself one (or more)

He was sending these out for free, including postage within North America,

but I would suggest you at least offer him some beer tokens

Here’s @hamspiced video explaing the design and build

Thanks again @Hamspiced
More info to come


Appreciate the in-depth review.

Two things to note. @pilgrimsmaster received completed built antennas from my own stock that I made up for testing tuned with a 22pf capacitor. I was giving out the unbuilt pcbs for free as I had limited stock of available antenna to build with these.

Second which he brought up and I neglected to mention in this post, these can be used in conjunction with qi wireless charging without any perceived interference.

And yes they are crazy thin which does make the flex pcbs a pain to solder to.

This project isn’t complete by any means, I still have a bunch of these pcbs and will offer them until I’m out. V2 should have an integrated antenna when I can get some time to devote to it. I’m just kinda stewing because my first round of integrated antenna was a complete flop. I’m getting there though.


Haha, you aint seen nothin’ yet…

I’ll add in your notes above when I write it up

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Posted this in the wrong thread originally…

Quick Update…

Got my 4th batch sent off. hopefully this is the run. Pretty confident in this one… Excited to see how it comes back. This run, if successful will go right to Amal.





That looks cool as FUCK


Looks good! Will the logo be visible after I implant it?


If it’s successful I would like to get a few from you. Right now I am having issues with my new phone reading my apex, which drives me nuts.